Man guys can we please do 3 m for 100 tbt
It's not just the increase in supply of IG Bells. It's the obsession over collectibles. There are only some collectibles like the chocolate cake that I wanted to begin with. The golden egg, green pinwheel, pokeball, and rainbow feather, I still like them, but I don't need these collectibles.
I never understood why it keeps going up. Does someone suddenly ask for more and it shoots up? Pretty ridiculous imo.
Plus, to me it seems like only the buying/selling rate is changing. People aren't changing the prices of their items/collectibles which to me seems pretty unfair. If TBT is becoming worth more, shouldn't a small amount be a fortune? In the end, buying a collectible for 1000k+ TBT given the current conversion rates is a total rip-off.
This^ What's the big deal with collectibles anyway? I mean, if I see an exclusive one in the shop that I can afford I'll buy it just to get a little souvenir, but the way people obsess over the chocolate cake, fruit, and letters is ridiculous. What are those really going to do for you? Make you look "cool"? Make your sidebar look nice? I'd rather spend my TBT on something I can actually use.
Certain items like eggs, Pokeballs, and other exclusives I can see but come on. Y'all need Jesus.