What is the one item you absolutely despise in new horizons?

pacifier, like everyone else said lol. also dislike the desktop computers, the computer part is so annoyingly large and I can't have a monitor sitting by itself. My setup has the actual computer on the floor,,
Baby clothings are terrible and unsettling at the same time. I don’t really like the gears either and the “neutral corner” item as well, maybe because I always get it whenever I shake trees. I’m not a fan of the “throwback forniture” either.
The destinations signpost in particular annoys me to no end. Why does it take up such a massive area? I would really like to use it more often, but I just can't.
I don't care for any of the clothing and it triggers me whenever I give villager gifts the vast majority of them always keep giving me clothes.
i dont think theres any item i despise. not a fan of the coat with the fox collar though, it makes me a little uncomfortable
X.5 size items and the nose drip thing. I find that last one to be absolutely repulsive.
i wouldn’t say that i despise it, but i’ve never liked the termite mound — it looks so ugly to me lol.
absolutely despise the insect head models, even as someone who loves praying mantids, they just look so freaky? and hard agree on the baby clothes and nose drip.
The nose drip horrifies me. Seriously, I cannot even look at Daisy Mae and I have to exit the Able Sisters if the thing is on display there. Grosses me right out. I hate how it keeps coming up in HHP too, when I'm trying to sort things alphabetically to find all the Nordic furniture for example. I wish there was a way to banish or hide items.
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hiding items from the HHP catalogue when you're decorating homes would be amazing. there's a lot of very specific stuff and it gets a little bit frustrating when you're scrolling through the tiny items on the right side of the screen trying to find things that match the theme the client wants.

i really the insect head models! even if they're a little freaky lol. agree on the baby items, but i can't think of anything i absolutely despise. nothing in the game grosses me out. the insect toys from the bug off are fun (i like the centipede!) and, even though the nose drip and similar stuff are not my style, i can see what they're going for. it does annoys me a little when people make their reps look too "sleepy", you know? i don't think it's cute lol but that's just personal taste.
The strange peach with the bobble-baby popping out. Who thought that'd be a good idea?

if I squint hard enough, the kid's smock can look cute on small villagers like birds or mice. 2.0 added diapers for whatever reason I'd rather not know.