What is th€ av€rag€ ag€ of Animal Crossing fans?

I think the average age is probably 18. I?m 19 btw, and I think I was around 12/13 when I began playing.
If memory serves me correctly, I got the game in first grade. Meaning I was six or seven? I'm seventeen now, though.
Iam 45 and proud of it lol ! Played ACWW for last 4 years. Iam probably one of the oldest or anybody else older than me?:D
The range should be 13-30. The average, I have no idea. Probably something in the teens.

Nah - disagree - why should the age range be 13-30?:confused: AC is a game that can be enjoyed by any age - Iam 45 and have been playing AC for years!:) I would say that probably the average age is mid to late teens that play it the most though.

I started playing when I was 32 in 2002 and am now 42.

Good on ya Jemjewel !!! I am not the only one in my 40's lol !!!:D

My mom plays AC:CF and she is 45 :) I got her addicted to it.

Fabulous !!!:;)

Started with Wild World when I was 15, got CF when I was 18 and now I'm 22. Hope to play AC:NL with some of you when it's released here in Europe! (Buying the physical copy because digital costs ?10 more, I'm not sure why...) :l

Hi Fire_Fist, Iam in England and getting ACNL when it comes out in June this year - so i will FC you if thats ok?
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I started playing Animal Crossing when I was in the 2nd grade, I'm a freshmen in college now.