What is your Animal Crossing History?

Maybe ten years ago I was visiting my little brother. One of our "things" was to play video games together. We both loved Mario :)

Then he let me play wild world on his ds. I wanted to buy something, so I sold shells and peaches. It just became addicting, really fast. I had a short vacation from work soon after that (teachers love spring break too!) and bought my own ds. I played wild world a ton! Collecting all the fruits was a challenge because I didn't have any online friends. I knew very little about the game, so hybrids were always a surprise at first. I had to google a lot to figure stuff out :)

Then I got city folk when it came out. I had a few friends that I would visit, or let visit me. I loved the microphone/speaking aspect! I still play that one a little.

I wanted new leaf before it was out, but I didn't have a 3ds. It took me a long while to justify buying a 3ds for myself when I still have my ds... But finally I did it. And I spent the whole summer playing new leaf! (When I could, but at least an hour every day.)
I was a huge Gamecube fan (and Nintendo all round) so I was trawling eBay for some new games in 2003.
I happened to have an NTSC console even though I live in England, so whilst searching through the America games available on the UK eBay, I noticed that Animal Crossing was the game that always went the highest at auction.
I took a gamble and bought a copy (for I'm pretty sure more than the store price in the US lol).

Once I received it, I instantly became obsessed and wasted my summers playing it (plus the NES games MADE the game).
I then started collecting the e-Reader cards and other memorabilia.
I then bought the N64 version just because I wanted to add it to my collection.

Of course, I went on to buy Wild World and City Folk, but I sold both of these in order to fund other Animal Crossing related stuff like Club Nintendo items.

Which brings us to over a year ago now (crazy) when I got my hands on New Leaf :)
I don't have much of a history since New Leaf is the only AC game I've ever played in my life. I wanted a new 3DS game because I was getting bored of Pok?mon X. I asked an old friend of mine if it was worth getting ACNL, she said that it was only worth it if I had patience, but she knew me too well and knew I'd be really impatient to wait for things to be built, etc. so she mentioned how you can TT to get things done quicker so I figured I'd give it a try. I walked down to the store on my birthday to buy it with birthday money and the store had stopped selling 3DS games (stupid Tesco) so I just gave up on it until I got it for Christmas.
I got wild world as a birthday present a looong time ago, it was a bundle that came with the original DS. My first DS game ever and I got hooked, one day I lost my copy when I was going somewhere and never found it again. I missed that game soo I got another copy a year later or something. After that I played animal crossing mostly in the summer. Never owned a wii, and I got the GC version like a year ago but I didn't like it that much. and of course acnl.
I bought AC:CF as a birthday present to myself back in 2011 and then a couple months later I bought AC:pG. Then I got AC:WW last summer. And finally I bought AC:NL the week after Valentine's Day this year when my wonderful boyfriend bought me my 3DSXL :)
I had a friend when I was little who told me all about AC on the game cube. It sounded like so much fun, but I didn't have a game cube to play on. I got a DS around the time WW came out, and I saw commercials for it on TV all the time. I finally got it and spent soooo much time playing.
Eventually, I got my Wii and got CF and that was pretty much all I played. I sold WW (and eventually CF, too, which I regret doing) because CF was the newer one and I didn't play WW anymore.

I got my 3ds because of NL and in the year since I've had it, I've barely put it down.

Basically I've just gone through the pattern of playing the game for months non-stop, and then I'll get bored and put it down, but that hasn't happened yet with NL
My nephew got into Animal Crossing years ago and he started with the Gamecube version... I always heard him playing it, and even though he begged me to try playing it (he even made me a character in his town in case I wanted to try), I refused. At the time, my boyfriend had told me that Animal Crossing was stupid, and I didn't want him to make fun of me for playing it. ^^;;;

Well, fast forward to August of last year. My nephew was visiting, and he had New Leaf. My boyfriend was also there, and he finally admitted to me... He was only pretending to dislike Animal Crossing because HE didn't want to be made fun of, and he was actually really interested in playing it! >.<;;; So he got a download copy of New Leaf. I downloaded a copy the very next day, and we started playing together. And I've been hooked ever since!

I eventually did try playing the previous games. I never played City Folk, but I did get a copy of Wild World, and I tried the Gamecube version too. I liked Wild World well enough, but I actually hated the Gamecube version -- the acre system made me physically ill trying to play it. XD So I just stick with New Leaf.
My Animal Crossing Story:
I don't know my age but I was very young(around the time Animal Crossing for the GameCube came out). Since my family and I love to travel per went to Japan because I always wanted to go there. While there my mom found this game called Animal Crossing and bought it for me because she knew I loved animals and it was a GameCube game and I own one. When we returned home she game it to me as a present and I started playing it. I loved it from the start! I thought the animals in it were adorable and enjoyed playing it as of it were real life! Then when Wild World came out my mom bought we a DS and the game! I played that a lot too but didn't forget about the GameCube version. Finally when City Folk came out, my brother bought it for me! But when I wen to the city, I got a huge surprise. There was this beautiful white wolf named Whitney that I fell in love with! <3
I wanted her in my City Folk town and when I discovered that she is in Wild World, I wanted her there too. But I never got her:(
And when New Leaf came out. I asked for a 3DS for Christmas and got one! Then I bought Animal Crossing New Leaf! :D
I continued my Whitney search and to this day, I never got her. I have been a huge Animal Crossing fan from the very beginning of the series! And I hope they make more versions in the future! :)
Well my story is actually very recent. Animal Crossing: New Leaf is my first AC game and I just got it in June. My little brothers were telling me as a gamer I needed to try New Leaf. I'd heard of Animal Crossing before but kind of shrugged it off. So when they brought up New Leaf I was skeptical but let them show me anyways. I fell in love instantly with how adorable the characters were and how you could customize things, etc. Three days later I bought myself a 2DS and a copy of New Leaf. I've been loving it ever since. <3
I remember BEGGING my parents as a kid for the GameCube version. My neighborhood friends and I always got together with our memory cards and played together. I loved it and I was hooked. When I got Wild World, I was happy it was portable, but of all I think that one was my least played, mainly because the DS has so many other games I wanted to play. City Folk came out around when I was sick with mono, so that made that time so much better for me. After a while of laying, my mom got involved with animal crossing, and she became so in love with our town we had. When she traveled either by plane or car she would take the entire Wii with her! So I was out a Wii but my mom played for at least 3 years total. She's heartbroken now and won't dare turn that Wii on since she couldn't keep up with managing the town. Both of us now own New Leaf since launch, and it's one of the greatest things for the both of us. It's super portable and with great features we can both play together, heck it has probably gotten us closer together too :)
My first Animal Crossing game was Wild World when I was 8, and I loved it to bits. I had Pokemon Pearl and completed the game, but I never really got into it after that (plus I made a big mistake in evolving my Roselia early ><). I had such sweet villagers, like Mint, Anchovy, Lucy, Pate, Peanut, Gaston, Bluebear... I got City Folk a year later, but I never really had the same hype as with Wild World. Now it's just sitting there collecting dust .__. But now I am obsessed with New Leaf xD
black friday
asked my dad for a wii
got a wii
went to go buy a game
picked ac

the end
In elementary school I had this friend who'd always invite me over to his house and he let me play his video games, one day I played Animal Crossing on his GCN and I got kind of hooked on it. I ended up getting the game myself and playing it for years. Then I played City Folk when it was released, and picked up New Leaf right after getting a 3DS last Christmas.
completely missed acgc because it came out in 2004 in europe and i was preoccupied by pokemon and internet at the time lol.
i didn't have any interest in animal crossing until my sister bought wild world and i thought it looked neat so i bought it as well and got hooked.
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I think I might've been 10 (or even 9?) when I first got AC:GC. It was around 2005, at any rate. The cover of the game and the idea just really appealed to me, and it still does. I think in 2007 I might've gotten WW. Wild World was, until new leaf, the most played of all the AC games I've had, simply because I also got neighborhood kids into it, so I had a lot of folks to play with. I don't remember the year I got my Wii, but I know it was for Christmas and that I'd gotten CF along with it. CF was also my first online experiences, though just hanging out, no trading.

New Leaf I got on NA launch, and earlier this year I played a bit of Animal Forest. I'd like to play e+ at some point.
I had just gotten a 3DS XL and Pokemon X for Christmas of 2013. I was getting bored though, since Pokemon was the only game I had to play and it was getting a little tiring, so I searched the Internet for other 3DS games I could buy. One of the first things I came across was Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I had never played an AC game before, and since I knew that my friend had ACNL, I asked her what she thought of it. She told me it was good.
Even though ACNL kind of looked boring to me, I bit back my doubts and bought it. SO glad I did.
I later found out my friend didn't actually like ACNL that much, so I don't know why she said it was good, but again, I'm glad she did, otherwise I might not have gotten it.

Off topic, but I actually sold Pokemon X...xD. I am planning on getting OmegaRuby though, and NOT selling that one!
When I was 6 or 7, I got Animal Crossing for the Game Cube and it was my second video game. (First being Halo for the original XBOX)
I just loved it so much! I have no idea how to explain it. I ended up selling it a few years later, but then I wanted it back immediately, which sucked.
Then City Folk and Wild World came out and I didn't bother because I didn't have a Wii or a working DS.
I finally got New Leaf on June 25th, bought by my fantabulous brother. Sure, I'm a year late, but better now then never.
I recently got Punchy, who was the first villager I ever met. He was my BFF! (Correction: IS my BFF!)