I read this article on IGN 12 years ago, during a time when I was in my second semester of college...
There were multiple entries and it was basically a freelance writer chronicling his adventures in Animal Forest + (the Japanese version of Animal Crossing). This was during a time where I was obsessed with The Sims and anything resembling a life simulator. When I read this article and the other entries as they were written, I was ecstatic! I was literally obsessed with obtaining every bit of information that I could find about that game.
Back in the N64 days, my friend and I came up with a concept for a game, even before The Sims and Animal Crossing existed, of a game we dubbed "Life 64" which was basically a life simulator with no clear goals, just do whatever you want. The most similar thing to our vision is Second Life which is almost an exact replica of how we envisioned, but at the time we saw it appearing on the N64. But Animal Crossing was the closest thing to it at the time. I also love animals so having villagers as animals was really appealing to me. So I read each of these articles on IGN obsessively, over and over, and trying to get a feel for what the game will be like when it comes to the States and I get to play it.
Fast forward to September 2002. I read that Blockbuster got the game earlier than release. Despite having both the game and guide pre-ordered at EB games, I was so desperate to play this game that I went out and rented it anyway...and it was amazing! Animal Crossing was, at the time, my most hyped game of all time. I just absolutely loved the game, so you can bet the day it came out officially, September 15 2002, I went out and picked my copy up the moment EB games opened and played pretty much all day. I even skipped my classes that day for an extended period of game time! I played this game a few times daily for a few months straight. The level of excitement I felt for this game has never been reached before or after this game. I even woke up extra early some days to attend the morning aerobics sessions in the game. And I was NOT a morning person. The amount of hold this game had on me was monumental, but after several months of playing (I believe it was January of 2003) I decided I needed a break. I started a new town in April 2003 (crazy how I actually remember) and played for about a month before stopping again. Started another new town in September 2003 and played for a few weeks before stopping again.
This sporadic cycle continued until November 2005, just before the release of Animal Crossing Wild World on DS. While nowhere near as excited as I was for the original, I was pretty pumped for Wild World. I already knew what to expect but to have a handheld version of one of my favorite games was a godsend. I was almost done with college and thus shortly began working a lot, and in turn wasn't home as much anymore, so the portability of the DS and Wild World fit me perfectly. I decided not to preorder the game, which turned out to be a mistake, and on the day of its release, the game was nowhere to be found. I was not happy. I skipped class the day of its release, December 5 2005, and drove from store to store in search of it. I was so let down. A few days later I was able to find a copy and finally was able to obsess over my new copy of Animal Crossing Wild World. Just like the original, I played this one pretty much all day the day I got it. I enjoyed the innovations it gave the series and the portability factor. Though I grew tired of it rather quickly as I still preferred the original. About a month later, I took a break. Just like the original I sporadically came back to the game after a few month break, played for a month or two, then stopped again. I reset my town nearly every single time I came back from a a few month break. A few years later I actually went back to the original Gamecube, as it was the still the definitive version to me but due to committing to a relationship and working 2 jobs, my time in the game was not nearly as frequent as it had once been and eventually stopped playing again.
City Folk came out on November 16 2008 which I was looking forward to at the time, but once I had read the reviews that City Folk was basically the same thing as Wild World, with very little content, I didn't even bother to pick it up. Not initially anyway. So I reverted back to Wild World and the Gamecube version. I played Wild World for about a month or two per year, increasingly infrequent as time went on, and the Gamecube one, which was once my most hyped game of all time, sat on my shelf collecting dust.
After nearly 4 years of sporadic Wild World playing, I decided to finally pick up City Folk in Fall of 2011. I decided it wasn't too bad a purchase since it was only $20 at the time. I played it for about two months before quitting it completely. I was just never home enough to warrant playing it. It was that point that I decided maybe Animal Crossing is a series that should remain in my past. So I traded in City Folk and pretty much disregarded Wild World and the Gamecube version.
Until New Leaf announced. I thought it looked good but I wasn't sure if I would have time to play it with have increasing responsibility as an adult and less spending money for games. In the weeks leading up to its release, I kept reading about it and how much better the game sounded than the previous versions and in turn became super hyped about it. I ultimately decided at the very last minute to preorder it and get the game anyway. I scheduled off of work the day it came out, June 9 2013 and played it, like AC and WW, pretty much all day. I played New Lead for a few months before stopping and resuming in December 2013, then stopping again, and resuming in May 2014, then stopping, and now I am finally resuming yet again, started back up on Sept 1 2014.
New Leaf is the best game in the series though I still have a strong attachment to the original. It's been years since I last played any Animal Crossing other than New Leaf but my faith in the series was completely restored and I am once again an Animal Crossing fanatic for life!
The End...?
(I know it was long but hey you asked!
