I don't see my relatives often, like almost never, but I rarely go out so..
On my father's side, my grandpa was rather eccentric, he built an area for aliens on his land. All the family are heavy drinkers, gamblers, fight and yell a lot, but are also affectionate, they like hockey, fishing and hunting, and if some are a bit ...um... old fashioned with gender roles, my father was not like that, he had many flaws but also accepted ppl for who they were and was not judgmental. With those relatives, I have nature in common, like me they prefer the forest to the city and like spending days in the woods. I also inherited their temper. I get along with my cousins on this side.
On my mother's side, my grandfather was really shy and got married at 6am because he didn't want guests. Both my grandfathers were not very sociable. My relatives are rather cold and not fond of display of affection, so no hugs, no kisses, they might also tell you that you look fat, sick and judge what you are wearing a lot, but I don't mind because I don't really like people touching me and their comments on my appearance amuse me. Most of them live in small villages where the main activity is: Gossips, so even if you are not interested, they will tell you in details about everybody and it's how I learned about my cheater of cousin,

(yes bring the pop corn). They don't drink, don't smoke, but judge a lot and can't keep a secret. Half of them are partly deaf with ADHD, so conversation can be a bit difficult, it's not rare for them to just leave in a middle of conversation or all having their monologue of different subjects. Cousins on that side are all fighting, it started with pulling hair and now it's drama on Facebook. I was getting along with my younger uncles.