What is your favorite collectible set?
A happy heart lets love grow.
My top 3 in no particular order:
- Potions
- Star Fragments
- Crescent Moons
Honorable mentions to Moon Jellyfish, Glow Wands, and Mushroom Lamps.
My favorite backgrounds are the darker ones: Night Sky, Enchanted Forest, Purple Halloween. But I also love blue so the Ocean and regular Sky backgrounds are also nice.
-love brought me some eternal petals-
I'm going with the Crescent Moons, Star Fragments, and Feathers! Each set is really versatile in terms of theming, with lots of colors to choose from, but the moons are at the top for me since I'd been wishing for a plain crescent moon collectible basically since joining and it finally came true. ;w;
I also love the Crystals, Mushroom Lamps, and Potions too though! There's so many great sets; it's really hard to choose.
grab acorns 'til you're delirious
I'm actually shocked that star fragments are surpassing glow wands in the poll!
My favourite set is party items (assuming that pinwheels count as a party item). Balloons, pinwheels & party poppers are my favourite type of collectibles.
Feathers and mushroom lamps
I honestly can’t choose? Wands are a dream that will probably never be fulfilled. If I had to choose just one set? It would be between stars and feathers. Stars as the purple star was the first collectable I got in my first event. Feathers because my dearest friend gifted me her most special collection so they mean the world to me and I absolutely adore them (and her) with all my heart

frags 100%. especially the gradient ones, those are definitely top-tier gorgeous wherever they show up!
I love the plushies, potions and glow wands. The potions actually have some rather nice color schemes, like the eerie star potion. It was a nice blue color. I’m hoping I can own some more plushie collectibles later on. I only have the space whale one and puppy plush currently at the moment, but I love them.

My favorites are the plushies, enchanted forest crystals and flowers. I like the plushies the best since they all have original art and don't follow a set formula like most of the collectible sets, and there's always new ones being released during all kinds of events.
I also like the mailbox and enchanted forest backgrounds the best and i'd like to see them released as scenery someday.
i'm drawn to most of the glowy night-sky background ones in general, so the star fragments, crescent moons, and glow wands. i like the fragments and wands just a touch more than the moons i think, i feel like they take up the space better and feel more... centered? than the crescent moons if that makes sense.
Out of the poll options I voted for the plushies! They are definitely amongst my favourite collectibles and I feel really lucky to have the plushies that I do. In terms of the newer collectibles I think my favourite set is the train set! I had asked for a train set a few years ago so I was over the moon to see these collectibles come out around Christmas time.