What is your favorite color of the festivale items?

Favorite color?

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Blue is my favourite colour and that's what's in my shop so very happy with that. I'd like to see the rainbow version though, that could be fierce, henny.
Rainbow 🌈
My resort island has so many "rainbow" themed stuff that Festivale items might be a staple in my entertainment section. It also goes well with the white of the winter snow.
I have the purple variant on my island too which I’m so happy about because purple is my favourite colour! I really like the rainbow and red ones too but purple wins for me.
I wish there was an "I can't decide" option, because I really can't. :)

I have green in my shop, so that's the only one I've seen in person, so far. Looking online, I do want to get all the colors, because I like to swap items/color themes out for the seasons. Each of the colors can fit into what I do. Guess I'll be nabbing lots of feathers!
To be honest I love all colors too and I think the new items are a great addition. I want more new, unique items lol. With the rainbow ones I kinda wanna do a circus area eventually or a fair
i dont think i have seen the rainbow version so currently its a split between blue and pink, cos both are nice colours
i got green, which is meh
my second island has pink, which was better and fits my main island's theme

but my favourite is the rainbow one, it's so cute and i cannot wait for feb 15th so i can change the colours 💕
My one island has the blue items but I don't like them very much. I like all the other colors better.
That's a tough one. I chose red because it's such a bright color, but purple and blue are nice too. Well, I also love the green. I guess I should have chose rainbow. I love all the colors.
my default colour’s pink and while it’s super pretty, my favourite is definitely the rainbow variant! i’ve been hoping for some more colourful/rainbow items for a while now and so i’m super pleased and look forward to using them + the rainbow feather to decorate! ☺️
I think I have to go with red, just because it's the color I wanted for my island, since it would fit best, but if it weren't for that, it might be purple.
I have to go with the rainbow as my favorite. If not rainbow, it would definitely be red or blue. I was an avid collector of the Pave series in New Leaf and those colors remind me the most of it.
My favourite colour of the Festivale series is Rainbow.
I love how it incorporates all of the different colours and so it is like the best of all versions IMHO at the least.
My favorite ones are the blue one ! For some reason I expected it to be the magenta, but no