I love the rainbow one! I can’t wait to customize my items to make them rainbowy. I think that once they’re rainbow coloured they’ll look really nice with the spring colours
My island has blue which I also like! At first I was a little bummed but then blue actually looks really nice with the snow. I just haven’t figured out where I want to put my set/how I want to display it.
I think the red set will look wonderful in the fall! The colours will be perfect. I’m going to have to catch so many feathers in order to customize everything lol.
my gay little heart loves that there is a rainbow set!!! i also really love the blue set because i love different shades of blue and white being used together
I really want the pink/purpley set! I currently have some red some green from my two islands. Hoping to transform those into colors to match my beach bar at my all pink island. I also really love the rainbow so I might sneak a bit of that in there as well!