Out of all of these eggs, which one did you like the most?
I would have to go with the Eevee Egg since Eevee is my favorite Nintendo character of all time (assuming that Pokemon count). Next in line would be this beautiful egg from 2014 (the golden egg). That's just as valuable as the rainbow feather collectible.
It's a tie between Frost and Aurora, really. They're both shiny, beautiful, and wintery. While I don't like winter itself, collectibles that match that aesthetic are really appealing to me.
Chao egg :] I looooved the Chao garden in Sonic Adventure 2. And my friend gifted the collectible to me so +1000 sentimental value.
Second fave is Waluigi even though it's so simple it's just so great lol. And like the chao egg it was gifted to me so it's <3
My favorite is definitely the aurora easter egg! It's so beautiful and the colors are lovely.
I've always loved the aurora, it's such a spectacular natural phenomena and the egg matches so perfectly as well!!! I'm sad I wasn't a member yet when they were released but I suck easter egg hunts anyway but the eggs themselves are just precious.