What is Your Favorite Flower?

"Spider flowers", especially the blue ones.

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pink roses , multi-colored roses (esp pink x orange)
lily of the valley

GOD i love flowers
My username may give it away. :rolleyes:

It is my favourite plant genus and my favourite flower from the genus would be the blue bonnet.
awe good lord do i love orchids, theres just something about them that i admire
but SWEET PEAS!!!! AAAAAAAAH theyre the BEST! soso pretty, and the name omg...... im in awe
I like pansies, hibiscus, sunflowers, and hydrangeas. I especially love when they're a blue/purple color (hence my need for blue flowers in my sidebar).

Though in general I really love all flowers. I even have a Pinterest board dedicated to all types of flowers :blush:
I don't havI don't have a favorite really. I like all flowers, but if I had to pick ones I like in particular



and Jasmine for the scent
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For some reason I can't recall I've always loved Tulips and they've always been my favorite flowers! I'll have some in my house when I4ll have one!
Most white flowers I quite like, they usually have a delicate sent. For specifics, I would think a white rose.
I am not really familiar with the different types.
I really love daffodils. Not sure why, but a couple of people I love remind me of those.
I really like the Lily of the Valley the most, besides sunflowers. I also enjoy roses, carnations, and tulips! ^o^​
Lilies, roses and carnations are some of my favorite flowers. In fact, my dad just picked me up some orange lilies just the other day and they have bloomed and opened up really pretty. I also love the flowers that bloom on wild cactus too. I'm really sad I can't see the wild cactus flowers anymore since I moved from Arizona, but they were really nice. :)