What is your favorite NH event?

Thanksgiving is probably my favourite so far which is a bit of a surprise to me as while I love having events in the game, regardless of whether I celebrate them in real life or not, I've generally presumed I'd prefer the ones I actually celebrate due to having a greater interest in them but I really enjoyed this one. I'd had quite a big break from Animal Crossing and returned at the beginning of December so I'd missed many events so I TT'd backwards to play for some of the fall season and took part in this event, I know some people didn't like this event for how long it took to collect everything if you weren't prepared (especially a pain for people who don't get much time in the day to play the game) but I enjoyed having more to do and seeing all the characters enjoying the lovely food or helping them with their ingredients.

New Years Eve and Toy Day were another two that I really enjoyed and while I mostly prefer events that have more to do, I liked these ones for how short they were. It was lovely getting the chance to celebrate my favourite time of year in game with the villagers and getting into the spirit with them but I'm glad it didn't need to take too much out of my own days celebrating in real life.
May Day, NYE, fireworks festival, and Turkey Day were my fave ones
Edit: and birthdays

Have to admit that Festivale was waaaay better in NH than NL for me. That's probably the only one I actually think is better in NH, as it wasn't nearly as frustrating or has hard. The rest I preferred in NL (especially halloween and Toy Day), but were still enjoyable in NH.
Oh, I forgot about birthdays as well. That one is very well executed in NH.
Here's my rankings with my reasoning below:

#1 Turkey Day-
This event was aesthetically great. Set again the autumn backdrop with great music to accompany it, just seeing everyone in the plaza already brought this event up to at least a C. Then when Franklin had me go find ingredients, this actually provided some aspects of discovery that I had been yearning for. I learned on my own about the secret ingredients as well as the fact you could get ingredients from villager who were cooking in their houses. This event also had just enough challenge. Finally, the cherry on top, the furniture! It exceeded my expectations. Overall this was the perfect event to me. (Although if I had to complain about one thing it's that I wish they kept the name Harvest Festival from past games instead of making it Turkey Day)

#2 Halloween-
I consider the lead up to this event as a part of the event. It was so nice to be able to decorate leading up to the event and the introduction of pumpkins was huge and added something awesome to our islands. The new items were so great! The atmosphere on the actual day of the event was perfect and such a fun celebration. It was always hilarious to get "tricked" and see what would be drawn on your face. My only complaint about this event was that on the day of, it wasn't long enough.

#3 Birthday Celebration- This little event was even sweeter than I could have imagined. From the party, to the gifts, to KK playing a song for you with notes from villagers, how could you not tear up??? This little event exceeded my expectations.

#4 Festivale- Confetti flying through the air and everyone dressed up to PAR-TAY means a great, fun atmosphere right off the bat. Then you have King Pave who is great and amazing new furniture. I agree with many people, I do think it's silly that we didn't get DIYs for the furniture, but the "grinding" to get the different colors was actually kind of fun for me. You could also trade feathers with your villagers, which made for some fun interactions. The feather stacking issues didn't bother me at all. Other than adding DIYs, my other recommendation would be to let furniture be customized into a certain color with the same color feathers instead of rainbow feathers being the only customization ingredient.

#5 Bunny Day- Like Halloween, I thought the lead up to this event was great. I especially thought it was special being at the same time as cherry blossom season, although I understand other player's frustrations. I actually liked the strange Bunny Day furniture and I think Zipper is quite funny. My only complaint is when fishing for fish and just getting eggs. I honestly think this event would be higher in the "A tier", but other people's perceptions of it have influenced mine unfortunately.

B Tier
#6 New Years Eve/Day-
This event might be a tier lower had it not been for the great music that played throughout and into New Years Day. It was very much like a winter version of the Fireworks Show...but with less to do. Again, I don't mind not having a ton to do, because it was made up for by the great atmosphere with the villager being all excited and the giant countdown clock and then the big climax at midnight. I just wish there was something more...maybe on New Years Day helping the villagers decide on resolutions or something?

#7 May Day- Such an outlier in terms of any other event. It was a puzzle, unlike anything we had seen before, and it was so fun! A little short, but fun. It was also great to see Rover and the suitcase was very cute. I just wish there was more to it such as the puzzle changing every day since this event lasted a week(?).

#8 Fireworks Show- A great atmosphere and it was cool to see Redd hanging out on your island again since the first time you met him. The little toys you get are awesome. Not a ton to do, but definitely more fun when you have friends around. Although I did landscape a bit during the show and that was pretty relaxing and fun.

#9 Bug Offs- Definitely an improvement from the Bug Offs of past games. I find the items you win to be better as well, but I just hope in the future they will update the prizes to change, otherwise Bug Offs are pretty irrelevant after the first year.

C Tier
#10 Toy Day-
This one hurts to put below a B...but I was just a bit letdown. Toy Day was my favorite holiday in past games, but in NH it just seemed so insignificant. There was nothing leading up to it except Nook's Cranny selling toys, and I feel like I spent absolutely no time with Jingle. Yeah, there was the gift exchange, but it's not like that gave you some cool new furniture, it was just recolors of the toys. What Jingle does give you I loved, I just wish there was more to this whole holiday.

#11 Wedding Season- Great idea, but kind of annoyingly repetitive. By the end of this I was just throwing furniture anywhere in the room to get the max amount of heart crystals. That being said, seeing Reese and Cyrus for the first time with the Re-Tail theme playing in the background sent a wave of nostalgia through me. It was so good to see them. Also, the furniture was great and I loved the customization options! Again, it was just too tedious for my liking and also I wish you could've interacted with Reese and Cyrus more.

#12 Fishing Tourneys- I never really did these in past games, but I definitely don't love doing them in NH. Having to stock up on fish bait is a major drag. I almost wish C.J. didn't allow fish bait to be used and then the points were adjusted to accommodate that. Having to just throw bait, cast, catch, repeat is boring and feels robotic. I love the prizes you win though, I just hope they change over time.

D Tier
#13 Museum Day-
Not sure what the point of making this so long was. I get the stamp locations changed every day, but then why not make the prizes different? I did this event maybe twice and then that's it. I love the decision to have an event that makes you go into the museum, I just wish there was more to it.

#14 Nature Day- Can you really call this an event? All it did was add nature-y Nook Miles+ goals. By the way, this on no way reflects Lief because he is great. This event was just lackluster and barely an event.
For me Festivale competes with Turkey Day. I am not sure I can say I like it more yet. They are both great though!!!
I loved halloween. I loved seeing all the little costumes, and it was really fun getting candy. I still have some left over due to my hoarding nature in the game ;w;
Out of the ones I've experienced, I'd say Festivale. I really liked the upbeat atmosphere, the music and confetti flying everywhere. & the rewards from this event have been my favourite so far.

Halloween and Turkey Day are close behind. I liked the fact that with Halloween we had a month to decorate our islands and then on the actual night we had the opportunity to obtain any DIYs we missed, and there was also new DIYs you could only get during the event. (+ the special reactions).

I wouldn't consider birthday a "full" event, but if we are then I'd say it's also one of the best, the pinata part was extremely cute, and I enjoyed giving my villagers cupcakes to get birthday furniture.

I don't think Toy Day was a let down, I just wish it had that charm it had in NL. In NH the villagers knew you weren't Santa and it didn't require any prep beforehand (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but having to work out what your villagers wanted was fun). But I really liked the rewards and being able to obtain Jingle's pic from the stockings was a nice touch.
Turkey Day was my favorite! :) I loved the furniture set, it came with DIYs (no special event crafting items were necessary to craft them which was great), and I think the event itself was very cute! I liked how community based it was and that it really involved the help of your villagers which I liked a lot. And you had to do different things like fish and harvest pumpkins which made the event have more variety in the activities. Also Franklin is a cutie-pie and kind of a dark joke with him being a turkey which I like. :)
either festivale or harvest festivale, i get bothered from hearing the festivale music over and over but the event in itself is lively and fun, and i like that. the villagers in their little festivale outfits throwing confetti is adorable, as well as the fact that i absolutely love the festivale furniture. not to mention the confetti and feathers floating around are actually adorable. people said they didn’t like it but events like festivale, halloween, and bunny day were almost exactly the same as in previous games so it’s normal to have them the way they are and i don’t find them boring. ive always loved turkey day, CF was probably my favourite version of it because franklin would hide, scared that tortimer would cook him up and eat him, so he’d send us to go take the forks and knives and bring it back to him in exchange for turkey day furniture. it was hilarious and really fun. i also like what they did in NH as it’s the same as in NL, where you find him the ingredients and he cooks up a whole dish. id prob say the harvest festivale, or, turkey day, was my fav event so far.