What is your favorite weather and why?

Autumn because it's also not too hot and not too cold (here). I have a fondness for cloudy and rainy weather as well.
I'm a toss up between autumn and summer. I adore Autumn's aesthetic, but it doesn't stay comfy for very long. Tends to get cold quick. I've been very very fortunate to have amazing weather all October to actually experience a beautiful autumn.

Summer, I adore warm sunny days with long daylight hours. Winter is fun for the holidays but the short days make me very depressed and stir-crazy, so I prefer when its sunny and nice constantly.

Just so long as it doesn't storm, i'm good. I hate thunderstorms.
Rainy season. So if we're going by seasons I guess spring (because it has my birthday) and autumn. I like rain because its calming and I sleep better when its stormy weather.
Autumn because of the cooler temperatures that aren't quite as cold as Winter. I tolerate cold better than I tolerate the heat of Summer, and Spring is just like Summer Jr. with warmth and thunderstorms, so Autumn is definitely the best choice for me. My favorite day of the year, Halloween, as well as Thanksgiving and my birthday, take place in Autumn so it's just all-around the best in my opinion.

As for weather conditions? Love fog, it's my favorite. Not great to drive in, but lovely to walk through and has a nice aesthetic. Same way I feel about snow in Winter, leads to bad driving conditions and dangerous ice, but lovely to look at nonetheless. I'll take fog any time of year but fog in Autumn is top notch.
I love the heat. I prefer summer to the other three seasons. I like it to be sunny without any precipitation.
fall and winter are my favourite seasons. really anything other than summer, i don't like sweating or getting to hot. i love days that are rainy, especially in the spring when everything is starting to grow again. recently, the weathers been on the cooler side but the sun has been so strong that it's been making it feel warmer than it actually is 😩
The perfect weather for me is a clear day or night, no precipitation, around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. I don't mind a gentle breeze, but no strong winds either, please. That type of weather is most common in fall and spring so those are my favorite seasons. I prefer fall just a bit more because of the changing colors of the leaves, Halloween, and my birthday.

I also really like summer. I don't find myself getting too hot unless the temperature is over 90F and I'm outside for an extended period of time. So the majority of summer is still pleasant for me and I can handle being too hot a whole lot easier than I can handle the cold.

There is nothing I like about winter at all. The dangers of snow and ice, the mind-numbing cold, the power outages, the scraping and shoveling, the sore throats and runny noses. I could do without winter.
autumnal(?) weather (aka fire season) for sure, maybe just for the colours of the tree leaves!! they make me mega happ. also when it rains + im a fan of when it gets darker earlier due to the clocks going back an hour where i am, heccin blankets to become snug + fires for warmth

im also a fan of clear nights (for the constellations + stars, though more of a fan in the summer months though when its still warm at night and not completely freezing) 😌
Autumn and winter are my favorites! Mainly because I love chilly but not freezing weather and it doesn't really get cold where I live until late January. I also love rainy days.
My favorite wether is when it’s not hot and when it doesn’t rain. A nice cool day that’s not humid. Where I live it’s always scorching hot, or raining. When we get a nice cloudy cool day, it’s always nice.
I love autumn and winter overall as seasons; the good weather, the aesthetic, and holidays just make it perfect. I’ve always preferred cold weather over hot weather. A perfect day imo is cloudy, between 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit (10-21 Celsius for those outside the U.S.), and not humid, with an optional breeze and/or fog.
I'd say it's a tie between a lot of snow in the last two weeks of December, and Autumn -- if you're in a location where it gets chilly and there's trees that have leaves that change color. The color changing leaves are essential

But I also like warm, sunny weather, just not too hot.

I do enjoy a good thunderstorm but rain sets off my rhinitis something fierce
Crisp, chilly late fall. It’s currently over 80 degrees in my neck of the woods (mid Atlantic US), and while that’d be great summer weather, I’m not too keen on it in November. 🙁

A couple more days until it’s supposed to be cooler here. Can’t wait to bust out my hoodies (again) and go for a hike amongst the leaves.
Fall weather, nice and cool. I also love hoodies ^ lol. Winter is probably my second favorite (it doesn’t snow where I live, but I love the cold as long as I’m prepped for it).
For weather condition, I like rain because it is calm and soothing.

For season, I like all four seasons. No preference for that.