What is your favorite weather and why?

I really like those windy sunny days when the sky is blue but there are those big mountain like clouds. I live in an area that has really flat land, so the sky is alot of the scenery when you look outside if there isn't a tree in your way. For us, this kind of thing is seen in the second half of July and August.




I like spring weather, the middle way! I love it when I go out and the sun is out but it's just warm and not hot.
I generally prefer autumn! 🍂 I like it best when it's nicely cool outside. My favorite type of weather would be those partly/mostly cloudy days with strong winds, where there isn't too much direct sunlight, but it isn't totally overcast either, and you can still see some blue sky.
I also like rainy/foggy days, and days when there's heavy enough snowfall that everything becomes quiet and almost monochromatic. I guess I find gloomy weather to be kinda peaceful ahaha.
I like Fall and Winter the most. I prefer cold weather and overcast skies in general. Summer actually gives me awful seasonal depression and now that they’re becoming hotter that’s only becoming more true. During the colder seasons I can finally enjoy weather that makes me want to go outside.
I love rainy, cloudy weather. Something about the dark color of the atmosphere makes it feel peaceful. I love hearing it rain outside while I'm falling asleep. Very relaxing.
I really like overcast weather. The best weather is lots of cloud cover with a little bit of sun shining through the clouds, a light breeze and a cool (but not cold) temperature.

I think it changes every time I answer, but at the moment I'd say spring is my favourite season. Somewhat moderate weather. 😊
I’m a Sping/Fall person. Not too hot, not too cold. I have a hard time regulating my temperature, and my epilepsy medication makes me heat sensitive. I turn into a wilting, whining person when I’m too hot. It‘s insufferable. I like the beauty of a fresh snow, but I hate cold, and I don’t want to HAVE to bundle up to NOT be cold.

Spring is a pleasant temperature, Fall is a pleasant temperature. That’s all I need! Plus, my birthday is the first day of Fall - at least on some calendars…
I love rain at any time of day, but I also like warm sunny mornings with dewy emerald grass and flowers and warm clear summer nights.
I don't think I have favorite weather. - I love the fall as far as seasons go...but I also wouldn't want any season to last forever. I love the changing of seasons. And when it comes to weather itself, obviously sunny days are nice...but I also really love quiet rainy days. I love fog. I love snow. I really can't say that any weather or season is more important to me than any other. I require constant change. Lol.
my favourite season is a tie between spring and fall. i love spring because the snow, ice and slush finally melts away, the greenery begins to revive and the flowers begin to bloom, the temperatures aren’t too cold and yet not too hot, either, there’s plenty of sunny days and rainy days etc. my bday is in spring as well, so it gets bonus points for that haha. but i also love fall because the dropping temperatures are always very welcome after a hot, humid summer, the leaves on the trees changing colours is always so beautiful to see (and the crunchiness of walking on them once they’ve fallen is 10/10), all the bugs slowly start to disappear until the spring etc.

in terms of actual weather, i don’t think i have a favourite kind. at least, i don’t have just one. i love days like today where it was freezing outside and i could just curl up in my bed underneath my blanket for warmth (i could do without the snow, though lol). my body temperature is always insanely hot and i overheat easily, so colder weather is always nice. plus returning to a warm home after spending time outside in the cold is very comforting. i also love rainy days, and sunny days that aren’t too hot, just bright and gorgeous.

the only type of weather that i truly dislike is snowy weather. i don’t fare well with walking through snow, ice, slush etc (anything slippery) due to my mobility issues, so i’m never looking forward to the snow falling and sticking to the ground. only good thing about winter for me is the cold temperatures (and christmas lol).
I like rain, thunder, wind, snowstorm... however, it's less fun when it also comes with floods, broken trees and branches and the car stuck in the middle of nowhere. I have some unpleasant memories of having muddy water till waist with bugs and rats floating around. That's why I'm really thankful to people on youtube making 10h videos of rain, thunder, wind and snowstorm. Very relaxing and I can choose my type of rain as well.

Otherwise I like autumn afternoons, around 3pm, with just a bit of wind, 10-15°C and a gentle light.
I love autumn, cool overcast days are my favorite. Winter is a close second for me. I grew up where it snows a lot, so it always makes me feel some type of way when it snows where I live now because it’s not as common. I like being able to layer my clothing, so colder weather is ideal 😊
I like it when it rains and I don’t have to go anywhere! There’s something very cozy about being indoors and relaxing with the sound of the rain in the background. I especially like when it starts as I’m falling asleep. Snow is nice as well to a certain extent, especially if it’s the first month or so and there’s still something exciting about seeing white covering everything. Rain is my favorite purely due to the noise it makes, though ☺️
I prefer when it is snowing. Im used to cold weather, so im never really that cold. And there are so much things you can do! Build a snowman, create a snow angel, have a snowball fight ect.
I enjoy the idea of rain and thunderstorms.

In practicality the people driving in my area have ruined rain for me.