PETA definitely sucks.
Well, Google just took one step closer to becoming one of the worst corporations. So while I already condemn other social media companies for their “shadow banning”, “silencing of opponents”, and “lying to the public about it”, I’m starting to hate Google for the same reason. I already stopped using Google because I don’t like how you’re forced to save your search history (I usually like to clear my internet history after a while). Not only that, but to punish your employees for giving criticism to the corporation (like exposing a business’s corrupt practices) is a tyrannical action. We don’t like dictators doing it, and it’s no different if businesses do it.
your freedom to own assault rifles should not trump someone else's right to live
PETA. 100% PETA. I cannot believe that such a heinous organization exists. Who preaches about animal cruelty and then straight up takes peoples' pets and murders them?! Not to mention that they had the audacity to accuse Steve Irwin of animal abuse when the rest of the world was mourning him. That man had more love for animals in his pinky finger than PETA has in their entire organization. PETA is a disgrace to humanity and needs to be shut down before it can cause any more damage.
It turns out that everybody hates PETA, and I definitely agree.
Other organizations I have no respect for (I already mentioned WBC and PETA):
NAMBLA - this is my least favorite organization. Their message is absolutely atrocious.
Autism Speaks - a hate group against people of my kind.
Planned Parenthood - you wouldn’t be surprised if you know me enough, but it’s far from being the worst organization.
Southern Poverty Law Center - their “organized hate groups” list is legit, but their “general hate groups” list is a fear mongering scam.
Any liberal news outlet - including those that require you to subscribe in order to read.
Infowars - this is not even news.
Internal Revenue Service - worst US Bureaucracy.
Environmental Protection Agency - a corrupt US Bureaucracy.
Comcast - bad customer service.
Seaworld - the documentary Blackfish best explains it.
EA Games - pretty much every reason why others hate EA Games.
National Rifle Association and Gun owners of America! They all rot in hell for all I care. I don't care if some of them are nice, they're all dumb for literally defending something so clearly wrong. Like just compare America with the rest of the world to see how dumb they are. Screw guns, and screw them. In a country without guns everywhere you don't need guns to "protect" yourself.
America is one weird hecking country and they're not helping making it look good tbh.
Ask your parents to cancel your phone plan and move to Cuba.capitalist ones.