what is your next planned/goal purchase?


☆ dandori issue ☆
Nov 14, 2018
Throwback Tickets
Purple Flower Glow Wand
Green Crescent Moon
Purple Crescent Moon
Blue Crescent Moon
Green Crescent Moon
Green Star Fragment
Purple Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Flower Glow Wand
is there anything you're currently saving up for? could be something small or a bigger purchases

for a smaller goal, i'm saving up to purchase a few albums and a lightstick from a group i really like! they're going to be touring soon but no where near me so this kinda feels like a aww at least i can enjoy some albums and a new lightstick! as for something on the pricier, i'd like to start saving up for a new pc!
Currently saving for a custom tailored Victorian-era winter coat! Probably won't be able to get it for this winter because it's expensive but hopefully I'll get it by fall 2025!
for smaller goals, i’m planning a couple target shopping sprees since i have two 20% off coupons for being a teacher and a student so i’m aiming to get some new clothes, supplies, and necessities. i saw these really cute headbands when i last went so i’m hoping they are still available but they were like $10 a piece and i cant justify spending $30 on 3 headbands 💀

i also have supercash for old navy so i’m planning to buy some new pants and jeans since they’re the only store i’m familiar with that has short enough inseams for me

as for larger purchases i’m planning to get a new laptop by the end of the year. my boyfriend has been suggesting for me to get a gaming pc specifically so i’m leaning more towards that!
I'm moving in a couple months, so naturally I'm trying to save up as much as I can for any extra expenses. I'll already have the base cost of rent there covered, it's just a matter of being extra prepared to be honest.
Aside from stuff I always need to get like gas, food, the essentials. I really want to fix my basement up. That's going to be a costly project, but I'll just tackle it little by little. I've already started and it's cost quite a bit just with the prep work I have done, but it's something I've really wanted to do for a long time.

I'm moving in a couple months, so naturally I'm trying to save up as much as I can for any extra expenses. I'll already have the base cost of rent there covered, it's just a matter of being extra prepared to be honest.
Good luck with the move Midoriya! It can be weird getting used to when you make the move. And your new home doesn't quite feel like a home until you've been there for a while. I would suggest maybe looking around locally for people getting rid of furniture to furnish your home temporarily until you settle in. It's up to you, but I know that's what I did to save where I could.
Good luck with the move Midoriya! It can be weird getting used to when you make the move. And your new home doesn't quite feel like a home until you've been there for a while. I would suggest maybe looking around locally for people getting rid of furniture to furnish your home temporarily until you settle in. It's up to you, but I know that's what I did to save where I could.

Thankfully I'm already going to have furniture covered as well, although I can't disclose exactly how. But it's thanks to someone I know. Really all I'd be saving for is any extra expenses outside of that as well. 😁
short term, i am saving for some new jeans for a trip i'm going on for my birthday soon. i would also like to find a good winter coat this year. long term, i am saving to pay a big chunk of my car loan by the end of the year.
once I get a job, the first thing I want to buy is a mezzo piano, angel blue, or daisy lovers top if I can find one that fits me!
The only thing I’ve been saving up for is some merch for a tv show. It’s all from American so it’s a bit expensive to send over to where I live.
Down the road, I want to get a cabinet to put my anime figures one (one of the glass or acrylic ones you see in stores that have a door); Jewels loves to try to knock my figures and games down when she wants attention 😅. Right now I have them on my bookshelves but I’d like to put them somewhere else.

A gaming computer even further down the road since mine can’t handle games even if it wasn’t old 😅.

None of these I’m really in a hurry to get or thinking of much atm, but I definitely do hope to get them eventually 🙂
Once I have the chance to save up I’ll be working towards a PlayStation 5. I am incredibly late to the newest console generation and still play on a PS4.
I really wanna buy some henna so I can dye my hair with it but its so expensive since I need like 300g and I live in Australia 😵 Might just wait until I go to the US at the end of this month to buy some while there lmao
I have a job at the exact place my mom works at. They pay so much money and have all kinds of bonuses. It's a very small family business, so everyone's pretty friendly with one another. This will really help me fund my move, officially. There was one other thing holding me back, but I figured out a workaround. I'd love to see where I'm at financially by the end of this year and go from there.

I just have to get my badge made and pass an extensive background check, and I'm in.
I'm thinking either a PlayStation 5 and/or a new laptop that I can use for gaming. Even a gaming monitor would be cool. I just don't know which model to get or what is recommended.
Short-term: Ninja StaySharp Knives.

Long-term: a crosstrainer or exercise bike / a second freezer / a gaming PC or a Steam Deck.

I'd like to get a proper OLED 4K television.They're still a little too pricey right now but I think in about a year they'll come down to a price I can live with.