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What is your reason of being?


Transneptunian Object
Mar 31, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
Togepi Easter Egg
Pear (Fruit)
I've been thinking about a lot of things....
If you don't mind sharing with me and if it's not too personal to ask:

What is your reason of being? What do you live for? and what does life mean to you?

You can answer any way that you'd like. I'm a very open-minded person...
I just have something that's on my mind and I'd like to know what you think if that's ok.

Thank you for answering in advance.
Spiritually I believe whole heartedly that life in a way is a journey to get to God. How that is achieved is controversial and room for lots of arguments and debates that probably are best avoided.

Physically my goal is to enjoy life to the fullest with my wife, playing hard and living loose as long as humanly possible. We don't want kids, as we're both selfish and live irresponsibly. I save money so we can travel, and buy fancy toys. We practically are kids.
Haha, you are pretty much asking for the meaning of life... Sweet.

I've been thinking about the same thing, and my conclusion is that I actually don't know exactly. At the moment I think I just live for life itself and see where it leads. I'm 21 years old and studying, I try to enjoy the things that are present around me everyday. I socialize both with strangers and people that are already close to me and that I love, I find enjoyment in discovering new things while I study, I even enjoy overcoming obstacles since it is so rewarding, and I treasure the few moments each year I get to spend time with my family. If I ever find a higher reason to be, then so be it. Right now, my reason to be is to be happy, to be alive and to be me.

I hope this was the kind of answer you were looking for.
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My raison d'?tre is basically the fact I don't know what will happen if I'm dead, I guess.

By that, I mean- if I'm dead, I'm not here- and I'll end up not experiencing everything and not having the opportunity to succeed and be young and do things.

Someone told me that even the smallest good things- like getting to see a movie, or spending an hour with someone you really like- make life worth living, especially when it's tough to keep going day to day. I've had some struggles with existential depression, believe me, and that thought sort of brings me down from it.

Basically, I'm trying to be a day to day person, even though that's not my mode of operation.

Ranting, raving, so on.
I think life is something we give meaning to. For me life is about living happy, keeping the people you love close. I don't believe in any sorts of afterlife so I think we have to live this life to the fullest ^^, and always do good without waiting for any rewards.
I'm hoping I'll meet a nice guy who will love me forever and have at least 2 kids.

I don't think I'll be rich or even successful. I just want a family.
Spiritually I believe whole heartedly that life in a way is a journey to get to God. How that is achieved is controversial and room for lots of arguments and debates that probably are best avoided.

Physically my goal is to enjoy life to the fullest with my wife, playing hard and living loose as long as humanly possible. We don't want kids, as we're both selfish and live irresponsibly. I save money so we can travel, and buy fancy toys. We practically are kids.

The other day when I went to go do groceries there was an elderly couple together shopping and laughing holding hand. I over heard them saying that they were 70 but will always feel like 20. when I read your response, I thought of them. :) That's really lovely. Although I don't really believe in any God. I haven't been blessed with such a faith. I do like to get into conversations about religions and spirituality. I respect everyone's point of view. Like sometime friends say that they will keep me in their prayers and I feel guilty and also honored that they would pray for a person like me. I also like the aesthetics of some religions, like Latin spoken in mass etc etc .
i live only so my friends and family members wont cry
other than that, idk
There is no reason of being. In a few decades time (an illusion that controls us) we'll be reduced to ashes and the world is nearing death. Life really is what you make it; enjoy it. I'm really conflicted to as of why, in billions of years of creation, in a universe infinite and beautiful, I - we were created. What started all of this? How did the 'Big Bang' start? What's the bigger picture? Have I dreamt my life and imagined everything, or are we part of a computer stimulation? If so, why? Who/what built the computers, and who/what made them?
Why have we fabricated this society of government and economy? We've created symbols that may only be understood in certain places of our small but big world, yet they have so much power. They create worlds and save lives and ugh whatever im tired i need to sort things out k bye
Haha, you are pretty much asking for the meaning of life... Sweet.

I've been thinking about the same thing, and my conclusion is that I actually don't know exactly. At the moment I think I just live for life itself and see where it leads. I'm 21 years old and studying, I try to enjoy the things that are present around me everyday. I socialize both with strangers and people that are already close to me and that I love, I find enjoyment in discovering new things while I study, I even enjoy overcoming obstacles since it is so rewarding, and I treasure the few moments each year I get to spend time with my family. If I ever find a higher reason to be, then so be it. Right now, my reason to be is to be happy, to be alive and to be me.

I hope this was the kind of answer you were looking for.

Thank you for answering as well. The pursuit of happiness. I really hope that you can achieve that. It's nice to have a family. I don't have one.... but when I visit friends. I see their family life and it's so warm and with laughter and love and it makes me happy and sad. I envy them because I wish I was able to have that too....
I don't believe in God, and to a certain extent, it makes me sad that everything about me will be forgotten one day, and I'll just be another person in history.

I live for myself, or I live because I want my future. I want to be able to settle down and have kids. Singing/Writing/Drawing are also very important to me. I guess, for me, I want to live so I can be remembered :c
My raison d'?tre is basically the fact I don't know what will happen if I'm dead, I guess.

By that, I mean- if I'm dead, I'm not here- and I'll end up not experiencing everything and not having the opportunity to succeed and be young and do things.

Someone told me that even the smallest good things- like getting to see a movie, or spending an hour with someone you really like- make life worth living, especially when it's tough to keep going day to day. I've had some struggles with existential depression, believe me, and that thought sort of brings me down from it.

Basically, I'm trying to be a day to day person, even though that's not my mode of operation.

Ranting, raving, so on.

Thank you for answering. I hope my questions weren't triggering in any way.
It is hard to live day to day with these thoughts...I understand this very much.
I try to think that through experiences and experiencing even the smallest things...that somehow it will all add up and that in the end not to have any regrets.
Life is boring and dumb and I just want to die
Thank you for answering as well. The pursuit of happiness. I really hope that you can achieve that. It's nice to have a family. I don't have one.... but when I visit friends. I see their family life and it's so warm and with laughter and love and it makes me happy and sad. I envy them because I wish I was able to have that too....

I'm really sorry to hear that, and all I can say that I don't love my family because it is family, I love them because we've spent a lot of time together and because they are also my friends. A lot of families don't have that, and I know a lot of people who are suffering from being too tied to their families while it is crumbling and they cant go on with their lives because of that. Having people around you that care about you and that you care about is what matters, family or not. Treasure your friends, if they are good ones. Sorry if I made it sound too harsh, I didn't mean to if that is the case.
To not disappoint myself in the future haha!

It is kind of silly but people change and I'm no exception. Even if I despise the way things are right now, I am nobody to say who I'll be, where I'll go, and what I want in the future.

I've been around people that make me glad I'm alive, that "make it all worth it" per se. But people come and go really, really fast. I'd be saying I've been living a very disjointed and disconnected existence if I said it was for others, though that's not totally untrue. This is someone who thinks the world is horribly beautiful and yet fails to appreciate it enough to appreciate myself that doesn't even make sense woops

Sometimes there's a really fine line between living and existing 8'D I wonder if one can be the one for the other.
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I think life is something we give meaning to. For me life is about living happy, keeping the people you love close. I don't believe in any sorts of afterlife so I think we have to live this life to the fullest ^^, and always do good without waiting for any rewards.

I like this "always do good without waiting for any rewards". I feel like this too. I like to help people and do things to make others happy. When I see smiles on people's face and how grateful they are, that's good enough for me. Not everyone has to live that way of course...but if only humans could be kinder to one another...if only. Thank you for answering.
I'm hoping I'll meet a nice guy who will love me forever and have at least 2 kids.

I don't think I'll be rich or even successful. I just want a family.

That's lovely. and if that will make you happy and give meaning to your life then I hope it comes true for you. Thanks for answering.