What Is Your Surname?

I live in the USA and my former last name was extremely uncommon. Pretty much anyone with the name was in some way or another related. Now, I have a pretty common name.
My surname is a common word but misspelled in english which is pretty cool. I also know someone whose last name is Book.
I guess mine isn't too common, but I have heard of one girl with the same last name as me. I really want my mum's last name: Sherlock. But instead, I'm stuck with some generic last name that is just a random word.
It's not that rare. I've seen a lot of people not related to me have it as well. But I can pretty much guarantee that I'm the only on TBT that has it. lol

Lmao yeah I don't think we share it lel. or maybe I've seen a lot of people with it lately haha.

Doesn't really help that a Swedish actress that died some many years ago had it either lmao(don't think we are related but still it was a bit amusing lol)
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I?ve always really liked my surname. I feel it flows well with my first name.. but I do get poked at by friends for having the same as Gordan Ramsay, haha
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I wouldn't say my surname is common nor uncommon. It's just not something you hear a lot, but when you hear it you're just like "oh right, that's a surname you can have". That said, I really hate it, alongside my first name. Growing up with a first name as common as mine, my name was never just "Jake", it was always paired with my surname because there were so many Jake's at my school, and I hated it. Every time someone calls me by or asks me for my surname, it bothers me to no extent.
I wouldn't say my surname is common nor uncommon. It's just not something you hear a lot, but when you hear it you're just like "oh right, that's a surname you can have". That said, I really hate it, alongside my first name. Growing up with a first name as common as mine, my name was never just "Jake", it was always paired with my surname because there were so many Jake's at my school, and I hated it. Every time someone calls me by or asks me for my surname, it bothers me to no extent.

don't they just call you by ur first name and first initial of your surname (eg Jake A.)? they do that in my school because there's so many different Alex's. but if there's so many jakes that they can't even do that then....that sucks :c
Mine's Scottish, and there are a lot of banks and communities w the name, so it's not incredibly uncommon lol
12 000 people have my surname in sweden so it's not super uncommon even though it's not one of the most common last names. for some perspective the most common last names are andersson and johansson both with like 240 000 people so that's cool.
My last name is uncommon. I don't know anyone outside of my family that has the same name. I looked up my last name on some website, and it said only about 390 people in all of the United States have had this last name, and they are all from where my family comes from. I believe it. So yeah.

I really don't like my last name.
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I'm not a fan of my last name either, it's not a common one :rolleyes:
My surname is a bit unusual, Giovanelli, I even find him very handsome! Where I live, there is an alcoholic beverage company having this last name as a brand, but it has no connection with my family.