What is your temperament?


Permanent Hiatus
Sep 20, 2013
You can take the quiz here. You can also take a look at the comparisons here.

I am Phlegmatic temperament.

Phlegmatic describes me completely. My temperament blend was primarily Phlegmatic, secondary Sanguine. Although, Phlegmatic describes me more accurately.

How accurately does your temperament describe you?
I did this a few months ago (using a different website), and got this:
I got Phlegmatic and the other 3 weren't even close. It sounds a lot like me so yay.
Second was Sanguine but its bar was only half the length of Phlegmatic. Then just a bit below that was Choleric, with Melancholic in last.
This time around, I got Phlegmatic first and Sanguine second again. I'd still say it's accurate, I pretty much do assume the best in everyone and am willing to help with anything that I can, but I'm also not a complete pushover that forgets to take care of themself. Otherwise, how can you make others feel more confident if you aren't confident in yourself?
And even if I do assume the best in everyone, I'm also fine with calling people out if they do something wrong (which is important with helping someone too, otherwise you aren't really helping them grow as a person!), and in a way that isn't unnecessarily rude ofc.
I'm Melancholic or something

''Many melancholics wish to learn and to understand, to know the details of every little thing, because to be ignorant is to stray from perfection.''

This single sentence just defined one of my life-long struggles and I was never able to put it into words before I read this OMG
Melancholic seems pretty accurate. The secondary one was phlegmatic, which also seems pretty accurate.
i love these personality quizzes lmao, did it and got sanguine with a tiny bit of melancholic which i agree with after reading the pages
i got phlegmatic (such a gross word lol) with a bit of sanguine and it's scarily accurate D:
tbh i had no idea the four temperaments was a personality thing! this whole time i thought it had something to do with blood
Melancholic and a lil Phlegmatic (actually thought that said phlegm at first and I was gunna gag, not in a good way)
Choleric with Melancholic. These things are fun but always seem pretty general and aspects of each could pretty much apply to anyone looking to make the connection.

I feel as though they're both very accurate and almost equal. The remaining two don't describe me whatsoever.