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What items do you keep in letters?


Senior Member
Jun 7, 2011
Sautéed Mushrooms
Winter Mittens
As you know, you can attach items to letters so that you can carry more than the usual 16 items. But what do you use those extra spots for? They're great for items you always want to have with you, but don't need frequently.

I mainly use those spots for my megaphone, wet suit, slingshot, and golden axe. I'll usually keep a couple pitfall seeds up there too. They're also good for things like a balloon, bubble wand, or a hat/accessory. What do you use them for?
I've got all my equipment in there. Watering can, bug net, fishing rod, umbrella, shovel, wetsuit, timer, axe, megaphone and slingshot. :)
I only really put stuff there to make space. But occasionally I will put some tools up there. Wetsuit, megaphone..
My tools: rod, shovel, net, watering can, and axe - in that order ty! =} I keep the lower letter row empty, for incoming mail but will use it in a pinch, via stationary addressed to the future me. I can always convert those letters to others, and am often compelled into writing my neighbors when I need the space. Which I should be doing anyway, but is such a chore with that dinky in-game keyboard... Did NOT miss that system!
Mainly tools, slingshot, axe, watering can, shovel, net, megaphone but will also keep other items like clothing and furniture if I need space for items I need to access easily.
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I only put stuff up there if I really need space, like if I'm doing a trade and can't carry everything they're giving to me.
Oh... I also hide items up there that I don't want my neighbors begging me/offering to trade for, while I race toward the nearest storage receptacle. LOL
Any crap I can't carry! Actually, sometimes I forget it's up there. :p
I always have five letters for: Golden Axe. Silver Axe. Slingshot. Wetsuit. Megaphone.

Then for the five I usually buy things villagers put up in retail from their house/furniture set items that would fit a villagers home and have them handy for when that villager asks for something new to replace or put in their home.
I only keep my golden slingshot and my wet suit in the letters, though I could probably keep everything in there if I wanted to.
I keep all my tools in my letters, and I also put random stuff in if my pockets are full and I have empty letters left :)
In my invo, on hand, I only carry my shovel, net, fishing rod, and megaphone. I stopped carrying my watering can since I no longer need to water my flowers for hybrids.

In my letters, I only carry three letters which are used for medicine, a basket of peaches, and a wet suit.

I used to carry my slingshot in my letters as well, but since I got my gold badge in shooting down balloons, I no longer need that. If I have extra letters on me, I "hide" certain things in them so my villagers won't ask to buy them.
My entire house.

Mainly tools and extra stuff I may need or incase im trading or something for more room
I put my tools in my letters. Mainly just the megaphone, wetsuit, and golden slingshot though. Sometimes I put fossils in them when I'm digging so I can take them to the museum at a later date.
clothing and furniture. i usually don't store my tools, i always keep them with me. i used to do that in WW, but it was terrible when i really needed them and i had to file through my letters like crazy just to find that single tool i wanted. usually by the time i found it the thing i wanted was gone anyway.
I carry my wet suit, golden watering can, golden axe, the megaphone, an umbrella, and a bubble tube in my letters. That way, I can keep my slingshot, fishing rod, shovel, and bug net all on hand and take them out straight away in case I need them.
I keep my tools, and now I also keep anything I don't want a villager to "see." Every time I customise a piece of furniture with ore, it seems I am bombarded by the first villager I see and they want it. Either that or they want my ore. I keep all my tools and my "precious" stuff up there in the letters slot.

Oh, I now know that you can't wreck a friendship by refusing to give an item to somebody, but I've done it for so long I feel like a cad if I refuse. So now up to the slots it goes. Well, except the customised patterns ones you can't store in a letter. Man how I wish you could store a valuable bug or fish up there! I get bombarded with villagers wanting them, too.