what kind of car do u drive

I drive a 2014 Chevy Cruze in a blueish color. I really like it a lot.
I don’t drive a car, I drive a sound system with wheels attached... I hate to brag but it is really that awesome.
I'm still learning how to drive but I'm pretty sure the 2013 Nissan Altima that I drive in will eventually be my car when I'm fully able to drive.

It's a 2012 Lexus IS250. I bought it brand new and plan to drive it until it refuses to cooperate.
I meant what I said!
A 2015 Chevy Camaro

It’s fun to drive in the warmer months but it was not the best decision for a year-round car (especially when I had it in the Midwest)
I drive a Hyundai Elantra 2015, but my first car was a Honda Accord 92'. Practically grew up in that bad boy. He sadly passed away three years ago.
2003 Suzuki Liana! It's a manual as well. It's my first and only car, and I intend on running it to the ground unless a very good reason comes up to buy a new car. My grandparents have the exact same car but in beige, so it kinda reminds me of a grandpa car lol, but it's been very reliable and suitable so far.
Define 'drive' lol. I own a car but can't drive it cause I don't have car insurance. Also idk how to drive.

I forget the year, '00, '01 or '02 Toyata Camry LE. Super old but works great, about 50k miles on it.
A ford pickup from like 03-04 something like that. It runs but I want to replace it in the future with a Honda Ridgeline or something.
My car is a 2007 Volkswagen Beetle convertible. Very cute and stylish. I've been wanting an older VW since I was really young so this satisfies my need to drive a VW until I have the money to buy an old fixer-upper.