what kind of cheese is your favorite


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I love mozzarella but I very very rarely have it! I just love how melty and stretchy it gets. Mozzarella sticks are the best.
I love cheddar, who doesn't? I enjoy feta in small doses. I looveeee haloumi omg, highly recommend. It's not your usual cheese though; it's great as like.. a replacement for a meat patty on a burger. Sounds weird but trust me, it can be really yummy.

I do not like parmesan.. it tastes like vomit unless in small quantites and mixed with like, cheddar in a pasta or something
I'm not a huge cheese person on its own, so havarti and gouda win for being cheeses I'd eat by themselves as well as in dishes (unlike cheddar... not my favourite by itself). Speaking of havarti, it's such a good cheese for all sorts of applications! Fantastic in grilled cheese without being too heavy, and tastes great with most things, like being melted onto potatoes... mmm. Mozzarella and parmesan are both nice too, mozzarella melts and tastes great and parmesan adds a nice flavour boost in small amounts. The only cheese I really actively dislike is cottage cheese because its texture and appearance both gross me out.
I'm not a huge cheese person on its own, so havarti and gouda win for being cheeses I'd eat by themselves as well as in dishes (unlike cheddar... not my favourite by itself). Speaking of havarti, it's such a good cheese for all sorts of applications! Fantastic in grilled cheese without being too heavy, and tastes great with most things, like being melted onto potatoes... mmm. Mozzarella and parmesan are both nice too, mozzarella melts and tastes great and parmesan adds a nice flavour boost in small amounts. The only cheese I really actively dislike is cottage cheese because its texture and appearance both gross me out.
Oh my god, how did I forget about harvati?! Whenever I make a charcuterie board, I always make sure there's harvati. It's just that good.
It's really hard to pick, honestly! I love all kinds of cheeses, but I really like pepperjack on most of my sandwiches, or swiss cheese. I also really like mozzarella as well :) Parmesan, brie, and cotija are definitely delicious as well!
But for the purpose of the question, I'd probably say mozzarella since I use and eat that cheese a lot more often
i'm quite plain and don't normally have fancy cheeses or anything LOOL never had/seen a charcuterie board. i like mozzarella cause it's so versatile and melty. i like cheddar and marble too!
Voted like 2 of my favorite cheeses.. but also voted for being lack toes and toddler ants. I can't have it, but I eat it anyways, 'cause I don't care 😭
I’m prepared to get hate for this but I only eat vegan cheese
I just want to say that vegan substitutes are extremely valid, even if you're not vegan. I love hamburgers, for instance. But I've also always liked veggie burgers, but you can never speak of the latter without a long-winded explanation from some know-it-all about how they don't hold a candle to the real thing, even when it's irrelevant to the conversation. Presenting veggie burgers (or any vegan or allergy-conscious food) solely in terms of its aptness as a substitute has always bothered me, because they often have completely different profiles to me, and always presents an either/or scenario that doesn't need to exist.

Just let me eat my cardboard-flavored vegetable mash on a bun, you fools!!!
Cheese is hit or miss for me, but I do love it spread on crackers as an indulgent snack. My favorite cheese in the world is this cracked pepper gournay cheese, but aside from that, it's probably pepperjack :3
I just want to say that vegan substitutes are extremely valid, even if you're not vegan. I love hamburgers, for instance. But I've also always liked veggie burgers, but you can never speak of the latter without a long-winded explanation from some know-it-all about how they don't hold a candle to the real thing, even when it's irrelevant to the conversation. Presenting veggie burgers (or any vegan or allergy-conscious food) solely in terms of its aptness as a substitute has always bothered me, because they often have completely different profiles to me, and always presents an either/or scenario that doesn't need to exist.

Just let me eat my cardboard-flavored vegetable mash on a bun, you fools!!!
Ugh yeah it's so annoying. Vegan/plant-based substitutes are cool! Why do people always feel the need to rag on them and mention they're not like meat? They don't have to be. It's a substitute, not actual meat - why would anyone expect it to taste the exact same? I've personally never had vegan cheese (but it sounds interesting!), but I enjoy some veggie substitutes regardless of not being vegan/vegetarian.
Ugh yeah it's so annoying. Vegan/plant-based substitutes are cool! Why do people always feel the need to rag on them and mention they're not like meat? They don't have to be. It's a substitute, not actual meat - why would anyone expect it to taste the exact same? I've personally never had vegan cheese (but it sounds interesting!), but I enjoy some veggie substitutes regardless of not being vegan/vegetarian.
There is, I suppose, a case for comparison when they are often marketed as such (no matter how disingenuously) and when they are presented as an alternative for people with allergies. Why, for example, would a person who suffers from nut allergies wish to eat a soy-based peanut butter substitute if it didn't taste at least reasonably similar to the thing it's attempting to emulate?

But these comparisons are always made in an extremely unhelpful manner, or with the strange mindset that only one can exist, or with the inherent assumption that it's a sort of rebellion or attack (for lack of a better word) against the other. It's maddening.

I've had vegan cheese before. It was all right. It was a bit salty for my tastes, but otherwise it just tasted like cheese. It probably wouldn't break my heart too much if I were forced to make the full transition, and I'm saying that as someone who absolutely loves cheese.
It’s not an option on the poll but Havarti, I can literally sit there and eat a block of it it’s so good lol