My son nagged me to play the game cube version. I finally played, and was hooked. I buy and look forward to every animal crossing game that comes out. I even buy new game systems, just so I can play ac. If it comes out for WiiU, then I'll be getting one of those too.
Honestly, what interested me about Animal Crossing New Leaf was that it was a stress free game. I didn't have very many 3DS games at the time and I generally get one new game every summer (as a "yay! You passed!" sort of thing.) and I was looking at reviews for games. I came across a review for ACNL and it sparked my interest. The more I looked into it the more excited I became. I am not very good at games. Like at all. I like to play them, but I generally stick to really casual games. I was super happy to hear that ACNL really fit with what I wanted. I have no regrets! It is fabulous and just what I was hoping for.
My sister sent me a copy of Wild World after I had played ACNL for a while and boy, I could not get into that game.
I have always seen the games around growing up and was always curious. I bought New Leaf and I have been hooked ever since! I am ready for the next one.. whenever that might be.
It was kinda brought up to me when I was younger. My sister rented the GC version from Blockbuster (lol) to try out before buying and I was hooked.
We ended up getting a copy with like 3 different memory cards because we wanted different towns of our own XD.
I actually heard about it 1 year ago. I was in a gaming shop with my friend and realised I didn't have many games for my 3ds, so I asked her if she had any suggestions cuz she's a gamer. She suggested acnl, and I remember thinking it looked like a stupid childish game. When I got home, I started looking at videos of it on YouTube, and then I ended up buying it because I was going to move from my city and I thought it would be cool to p,au on it with her. Now I'm obsessed >.<
Really, I don't know. I just remember I suddenly became obsessed with Animal Crossing last year until I FINALLY got it for Christmas... Maybe it was the Let's Plays on Youtube. (More specifically, chuggacorny & ZackScott)
I saw a copy of wild world at my friends house and had a quick go on it, but didn't think much of it. Later on I went to a store and was looking through the preowned bin. I found a game I really wanted but it was too expensive, but then I saw wild world in there and though I might as well give it a go. I then proceeded to play that game religiously for years. After a long while I grew tired of wild world and put it down, only to find city folk in a 2nd hand game shop. I tried to play it but didn't get into it as much as wild world (it's a bit pants to be honest in comparison to the rest of the series). A year or two later I had just gotten my 3ds and heard about acnl and made it my mission to get it, hoping itd be better than cf. And it was. I've been playing new leaf more than I played wild world, and I haven't left the animal crossing fandom since.
for me, it was started out with a couple of my friends playing it.. and of course by then i've already heard of animal crossing. it was one of those games where it seems like everybody but you has it so of course i decided to get it afterwards (however i got the game like a year later) and thennn it was just a whole lifetime of wasting hours from then on there
I got interested in Animal Crossing as soon as I saw New Leaf being released at E3. Then a bunch of my friends got into it too and after a while I bought my first copy of the game. Since then I've spent countless of hours playing and Animal Crossing has become a big part of my life. I also just bought myself a second copy of the game recently because I love it so much!
i guess the look of it? i rented it a few times, and my brother enjoyed high-jacking the game from me to the point it became ridiculous and my mother finally just bought the game for me, and i've just been in love with the game ever since.
i pretty much flock to games that are cartoony or colorful looking.
Honestly, I wish I could recall what prompted me to get Population Growing way back when but- I'm not even sure how I came into possession of it. I wanna say my grandma bought it for me, but I don't know why I wanted it to begin with. Probably just saw cute animals and thought "AWW cool!" since I was like, 10 at the time.
Holy Jesus I've been playing AC a long time. I'm old. This threat made me feel old.
Whatever it was, I'm glad I ended up getting hooked on the series. I've grown up with it (like I'm sure a lot of you did too) and really it was one of the fondest things of my childhood. I still get the PG songs stuck in my head, even though it's been years since I touched it, and am currently play New Leaf.
My cousin was playing Wild World then my brother saw her playing and he decided to buy it and then I saw him play it and was like 'gimme' and then I bought it. I dont really know what made me interested it just looked fun