For me, I like the map to look nice. In New Leaf there were maps where the river looked terrible on the map and there were unnecessary pixels everywhere. Personally I'm not too sure about the layout, I guess I don't like narrow spots either.
I want a private beach where I can live in solitude. In NL, no matter where I put my house, villagers would always seem to move in right next to me! Other than that, I'd just want a convenient layout, with minimal river and ponds. I like having as much open space as possible to decorate!
So I'm literally contemplating taking PTO from work for the day ACNH comes out to reset. I am pretty sure I will reset until I get one of my favorite villagers (preferably tangy)
I was obsessed with triple tiered villages in the GC and would reset all day for that. I want to learn more about the mechanics (hint hint, give me a direct nintendo cowards) before I decide on what I want in my original town. With the pole vault river thing, it kinda takes away the need for bridges in perfect places so I'm excited in taking a more unique type of town that isn't spoiled by terrible bridge placement lol