I was a teenager for the bulk of the time, whereas I turned 20 toward the end of the timeframe. So I was old enough to remember a lot! (of what I cared about, that is =P)
I remember the big cell phone boom. It started shortly before this timeframe but really took off during this time. Cell phones went from being an uncommon product to being in nearly everyone's hands. It was amazing. The time before cell phones was...different.
Also the internet/high-speed internet really took off during this time, and, at least for me, felt like a major luxury. Before late 2004, my family only had dial-up, which was limited and we would fight over whether the phone line was used by the internet or a call. You couldn't have both. Then the internet eventually came to cell phones and wow. You all who weren't around before this time really have no idea. When in public, you couldn't just get on the internet and browse the internet to pass the time. It was a completely different time.
My primary video game interests during the time were Animal Crossing (early on), The Sims 2, Kingdom Hearts I/II, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and then Mario Kart Wii for a while in 2008.
I didn't watch TV during this time. I was glued to the internet. But I did pick up an interest in anime from 2007 on. When legal streaming had a boom in 2009, I got even more into anime.
Personally, I came out to people aside from my mom for the first time and I had my first girlfriend. That all was pretty major for me, as beforehand I never thought I could come out to anyone. The mid-2000s were really closed-minded. Of course, today is still pretty bad, in new ways, but you know what I mean. It just wasn't talked about back then much.
I don’t have the greatest memory but I do remember owning a Nokia phone and T-Mobile sidekicks were pretty big. My 1st gen iPod mini in lime green was my favorite! Definitely sites like neopets and omgpop! Also xanga, man I stayed on xanga during my freshman and sophmore year of HS until it slowly started dying out! Then tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter came along! I’m sure there’s a lot more I’m forgetting but those are the first things that comes to mind.
Xat chats as well! I spent a lot of time on those with my online friends from the Pokemon fansite community. We were all on Piczo at the time for our sites so we could embed Xat chats on our pages.
this might just be me but when I was in elementary school our gym class taught us an entire choreography to “Ho down Throwdown” by Hannah Montana or something