What model is your 3DS?

midnight purple old 3ds had since like 2012-2013 i'm kind of stuck, should I buy a new 3ds or a switch?
I had the 3ds aqua blue and than the 3ds xl pikachu edition.
Now I have the new 3ds white with coloured buttons
My first one was a blue and black XL, but I was still small back then... I treated it horribly and after a year I got the pink and white XL, which I currently have now. ^^; The poor thing has been through a lot, seeing as it got me through the entirety of middle school. Currently it's covered in emoji stickers which I'm starting to get sick of. It's also out of space on the SD card so when I have the time/money, I'm going to get the white Mario edition of the New 3DS XL and probably put some kind of skin on it. ^^
Pretty sure I just have the generic 3DS that's a dark blue and black on the inside. Me and my brother have the same one so I painted the cover of mine with nail polish and the first letter of my name which is a B
Pink and White 3DS XL. I keep wanting to upgrade to the New3DS XL but I hate the colors. The only one I really liked came out during a time I didn't have funds to throw at a handheld when the one I had worked perfectly well.
I have two regular 3D's. One is pink, the other purple. They suit me fine so I see no need to upgrade, although I'm interested in getting a New 3DS XL if they come out with a baby pink one.
When my original blue 3DS stopped working (the circle pad just kinda wore down) I upgraded to the galaxy new 3DS xl and preordered the pikachu protection plate.

It ended up being a popular decision haha ~
I have a blue and black 2DS. When I was in elementary/middle school I ended up breaking two regular DS's because of the way I would hold them. Luckily the 2DS seems much sturdier.
uhh had the ALBW version but my mom snapped it in half, then i bought the gold zelda edition, but THEN i saw the black and white fe one and wanted that too so i have both and use both now
I finally got my Pikachu Yellow Edition N3DS XL, so it's officially my main system now.
I just got a new Nintendo 3ds xl a few days ago. Just need to find a travel case and screen protectors. If anyone has any suggestions vm :)

I have one of each iteration of the 3DS and N3DS. Don't think I'll be needing another one, lol.
Lol I'm sitting here with my Aqua Blue original 3DS from release day. Only annoying thing is that it has the screen scratching problems so I have to keep cleaning my top screen.
I have the old, old classic red 3DS from back in the day before 3DSXL or 2DS ever existed. It's like five years old and has smudges all over the screen which I never wipe off.:)
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I have the original pearl pink 3DS (circa 2011). I bought it pre-owned off eBay a couple months before Pokemon X & Y. It has some bad scratches and scuffs from drops and sharing pocket/pocketbook space. Unless more games for New!3ds comes out (only games I know of is Xenoblade and Yoshi's Wooly World - please correct me if wrong), I can't see buying a new system unless this one just ups and dies.
I've got the Animal Crossing 3DSXL that came with new leaf on it digitally! My boyfriend's got the blue 2DS and I also have the pink DSlite from my wild world days.