What model is your 3DS?

I have an old beat up 2DS from 2013 and a red N3DS from 2015. I used to have a bunch of DSs and DSis as a little kid but since they're easy to break, they always stopped working 1-3 months after I got them. I was a bad kid :'(
I have a new red 3ds in xl, but I have also commandeered my bf's black one since he ditched his town last year. I use his Bell Boom game to sell my perfect fruit hehe:cool:

and I have a buNCH of lil Boo stickers from a Mario sticker pack all over mine.

my DS is my baby. it is with me always
The New 3DS xl. I really love the idea of a handheld portable system. I will be legitimately sad when the time comes for it to move on.
Still got my Triforce Heroes Hyrule Gold n3DS XL

the paint is chipping off the back, though
Dunno why
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The original red. I had a blue one since the original release year, but my cat spilled water on it... Customer service gave me this one. I prefer blue, but red's fine. And its free, soooo
I possess the New 3DS XL Happy Home Designer edition, I initially wanted the New Leaf version back in 2013 but I never had the chance to get it. I waited for the New XL White to come to Europe but I sadly realized it was a Japan exclusive. So I jumped on this one because it's still rather cute and white and the inside.
I have the blue and black 2DS which was bundled with Mario Kart. I find it more comfortable to hold than the 3DS and the 3D is wasted on me anyway.
I have a blue 3DS XL that I got years ago. It has worn out stickers on it. And the little circle pad no longer has any of the grey padding on it. There's a lot of scuffs and scratches on it and a little part on the back just below the R button has broken off

Needless to say, I really want a new 3DS XL, one of them pretty looking ones :p
my first one was the pokemon X edition 3ds XL which i totally destroyed by scraping the screen with my stylis in pokemon amie. and somehow the d pad got so used up it got grinded down to the bone from i'm assuming the pressure of my thumb lol. it still works fine though. i got screen protectors and a d pad cover and gave it to my sister and she didn't mind

then i got a 2ds which i used for a short time because it was annoying i couldn't bring it anywhere without it looking funny. so i gave it to my little brother

next i got the NES edition 3ds xl and it was all well and good until i dropped it on hard concrete when i was running. the whole bottom half of it fell off but i latched it back on and it works perfectly fine, just a few scratches. the bottom is just forever half open now but it works. i gave this one to my mom who actually played it often

now i have the new 3ds xl galaxy edition i picked out for my birthday. i DID want the small new 3ds in white but i couldn't find them anywhere, not even online at the time. i wish i waited longer for a small new 3ds because i love the cover plates and its much more compact and i prefer smaller screens. oh well, my moms totally not buying me another 3ds for as long as i live
I used to share a blue 3DS XL with my sister, and as time went on she got more annoyed about how she had to share and how she wanted me to have my own 3DS. Christmas of 2016 I got the new 3DS XL in the galaxy style, and I was happy (and so was my sister because now I don't use her 3DS as much). I still have that new 3DS XL (well, duh I only had it for 4 months), but at the bottom left corner there is a small part that isn't covered in paint and I don't know why (maybe my hands got sweaty idk)
I have a pink 3DS that I bought a few years ago, and much more recently I got the galaxy print 3DS XL, which I love to bits.
I have the new 3DS XL, in the black color <: Got it for my birthday with my own money about a year ago- got my eyes on the galaxy print one though, or the HHD XL one--hmmm.. Ever since I started playing the 3DS XL, the regular 3DS seems so... mini..
I have the older 3DS in coral pink and the New 3DS in white - I also currently have the New Style Boutique 2 coverplates on it (the white quilted looking ones)
Everyone has the xl and there's me with the regular. I have the regular in black, bought pre-owned from my local game shop.