What Movies Made You Uncomfortable?


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2019
Last night a friend got me to watch Mother! with her. I enjoy Jennifer Lawrence in other movies so maybe this one would be good. I didn't enjoy it at all. It wasn't scary, it wasn't insanely gory, it was uncomfortable. *SPOILERS* The scenes of the people trashing the house and not listening was tough to watch. Everything about this movie just never sat right. If that was the point, they did a great job. I just didn't enjoy the movie and honestly wished I didn't watch it.
I can't watch dog movies because of Shiloh. Great move but that stopped me lol
Watership Down (1978), The Plague Dogs, The Fly 1 and 2 (80s version), Fire in The Sky
I saw these movies too young lol
The first three Men In Black movies. Something about them was just too creepy and not to mention it was gross to me when I was young. I did manage to tolerate the last and newest one, but just can't watch the first three. Also, one of the Harry Potter movies scared me with the werewolf in it at the end, I think? Not sure. Just didn't like that one. :/
nightcrawler. after watching it for the first time i felt disturbed and uncomfortable, but i highly recommend it !
The human centipede, wrong turn and the first Resident evil movie to me don't know why exactly but they made me feel uncomfortable but the movie that blew those *three away in disturbing was Akira. maybe im too sensitive to gore? dunno what is was but first time watching it made me feel sick.
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The wrong turn series. The first one was good but the rest of them disgusted me.
The human centipede, wrong turn and the first Resident evil movie to me don't know why exactly but they made me feel uncomfortable but the movie that blew those two away in disturbing was Akira. maybe im too sensitive to gore? dunno what is was but first time watching it made me feel sick.

Yea body horror stuff is usually pretty disturbing if done right. I agree with Akira, and to a lesser extent End of Evangelion as well.
The only movie that has made me really uncomfortable was Where the Red Fern Grows. They made us read the book in 4th grade and I despised it. I was always a good student, so I forced myself to finish it, but it was really traumatizing for someone who loves animals as much as I do. Then, they made us watch the movie in class. I cried, begged and pleaded, but my teacher wouldn't let me leave the room.

As a rule, I avoid any movie that I know will be similar, like Old Yeller, Watership Down, etc.
I don't know why but Chicken Run always looked ugly af to me.
The only movie that has made me really uncomfortable was Where the Red Fern Grows. They made us read the book in 4th grade and I despised it. I was always a good student, so I forced myself to finish it, but it was really traumatizing for someone who loves animals as much as I do. Then, they made us watch the movie in class. I cried, begged and pleaded, but my teacher wouldn't let me leave the room.

As a rule, I avoid any movie that I know will be similar, like Old Yeller, Watership Down, etc.

Oh god I forgot about that one! That was traumatic
Might be an odd one, but the Tom Hanks movie Big always made me super uncomfortable. The romance sub-plot is just too creepy.
The human centiped, it is just so freaking disgusting, like.. how do you even come
to the ideas that happened in the movie.. I was about to puke from some of those scenes
and I usually am okay with horror / gore movies, jeez..
While I enjoyed Wolf of Wall Street, I'm adding it to the list because I thought it would be fun to take my mother along with me. Big mistake.
The bee movie scared me. Who in their right mind thought it was ok to get Jerry Seinfeld to make bee puns?