What nicknames have your villagers given you?

Hopkins calls me ‘tater tot’! i wish chevre still called me ‘m-honey’ like in ACNL though,,
I can't remember any of the names they suggested because as soon as I see them it's a resounding no. I kind of hate it in this game that shutting down their terrible nicknames doesn't prompt them to ask you what you want them to call you. I never cared for the ones in NL most of the time and they always than asked me to make one up for them.

I also hate the pings where someone says 'Hey I hear blank calling you 'terrible nickname, why oh why did I allow it?' can I also call you 'horrible nickname?' It's like all the time and when I say no they don't ask for me to make one up.
I’m not sure how the mechanic works but sometimes when I say no, they prompt me to choose my own nickname but sometimes they don’t o: if they’re trying to pick up a nickname that’s already circulating, I don’t think you get that option ever but if they think of a new one then you get the prompt sometimes? not sure tho 😅
I’m not sure how the mechanic works but sometimes when I say no, they prompt me to choose my own nickname but sometimes they don’t o: if they’re trying to pick up a nickname that’s already circulating, I don’t think you get that option ever but if they think of a new one then you get the prompt sometimes? not sure tho 😅
I haven't had any of them ask me to give them when they were the ones who suggested a bad nickname. So I just refuse them all now. Especially because they all start trying to call me whatever it is and I hate that lol.
I accept all nicknames they give me because it cracks me up! So far, I was nicknamed pumpkin (fave), dumpling, and bear. Today, Fauna asked me if she could call me B-puff. I don't like the sound of B-puff but she looked so happy calling me it... Anything for my girl, Fauna. :')
Flo and Bunnie call be Backbeat, Zell calls me Spud (originally Drago's idea), Drago now calls me Burrito, Marina calls me Cupcake, Claudia calls me B!tch.
Mac start calling me Mountain, den almost half of the villagers start calling me that. den Mac decided to call me Iron C now. and some already started to call me that. :/
'hashtag' and 'motor' and 'junebug'. I miss the days when everyone called me 'S-puff'!
didn't know this but apparently "initial"-puff is a US only nickname lol
I logged on for the first time in weeks a couple days ago and was absolutely speechless when Rocket called me "highway"

I've also gotten superstar, lollipop, and my personal favorite, pumpkin.
I can't remember any of the names they suggested because as soon as I see them it's a resounding no. I kind of hate it in this game that shutting down their terrible nicknames doesn't prompt them to ask you what you want them to call you. I never cared for the ones in NL most of the time and they always than asked me to make one up for them.

I also hate the pings where someone says 'Hey I hear blank calling you 'terrible nickname, why oh why did I allow it?' can I also call you 'horrible nickname?' It's like all the time and when I say no they don't ask for me to make one up.
Just to be clear- they absolutely can ask you what you want to be called, but they don't always ask for it. Maybe you need higher friendship? I'm not sure, but I've absolutely made up names for myself (I was kit-kat for quite awhile- I really appreciated when my villagers then asked to call me that so it spread further, lol). Currently, I'm lollipop. I also rarely let them pick my nicknames, but I just thought that one from Marina was precious, and when someone else asks if they can use it, I say sure. Just keep saying "no" if it's a nickname you hate, and eventually they'll give you a chance to pick your own. Unless they've changed that mechanic at some point, but I don't think they have.
I recently set my own preferred nickname, as I do every once in a while when I get sick of the villager made nicknames (genji’s nickname ideas in Japanese are particularly bad). It may just be my imagination, but nicknames you make yourself seem to spread faster.
Anyway, Graham had an idea the other day for a new nickname. I was all set to say no, but then he asked to call me ‘neesan’, which is Japanese for older sister.

soo... I did not say no, my heart is now a puddle and graham is calling me big sister and it is just so cute, he’s such a little darling.
They used to call me Glitter, now most of them have switched to Superstar. My favourite is Junebug, which Fang calls me. I imagine he’s my elderly grandpa friend.
My villagers have asked to call me gigajolt, dancer, superstar, and tater tot. But the only one I accepted was when Erik (the sweet lazy moose) asked to call me Wonder Bud. It sounds so sweet and endearing so I let him use it and now the villagers haven't called me Doe in months 😅 these things spread among the villagers really fast
My nickname the villagers give me is currently Vitamin V and Lollipop. 😆
Vitamin T was the one and only time they suggested a nickname and I regretted it forever. Hated it so much.
Restart since then, do not plan on letting them pick a crappy nickname this time. Either I like it or I'm picking my own [ Taetae, as my character's name is Taelia ].
Right now my villagers are split with half calling me “sweet pea” and the other half calling me “cupcake”. I like cupcake, it’s crazy how nicknames spread like wildfire though. I wonder what they will come up with next!