What other languages do you speak?


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2014
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I am curious to see what other languages people here on TBT can speak.
I speak English and intermediate level in Spanish.

What about you?
What languages are you fluent in?
What languages are you learning?

edit: this is my favorite thread ive started. i love learning about people! :)
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أبا يكون في عرب أسولف وياهم

What languages are you fluent in?
English and Arabic
What languages are you learning?
Ditched French
Will be learning Japanese this summer hopefully
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Yo s? un poco de espa?ol, pero todo todav?a no estoy del todo con fluidez o confianza en mis habilidades. S? que algunos de varios lugares, pero en mi escuela, el pr?ximo a?o escolar espa?ola ser? una clase requerida.

Translation: I know a little Spanish, but I'm not entirely fluent or confident in my skills quite yet. I know some from various places, but in my school, next school year Spanish will be a required class.
What languages are you fluent in?
English, Korean, Swedish, Japanese, and Tagalog (This one's kinda meh).
What languages are you learning?
Actively - Italian and Spanish (Just cause of school requirements).
Not actively - German and Mandarin
What languages are you fluent in?
Danish, English, and I know a bit of German, and French.
What languages are you learning?
None ATM, but I'd like to learn Japanese.
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What languages are you fluent in?
English, Fookien(Chinese Dialect), Tagalog(I live in the Philippines)
What languages are you learning?
Non-actively- Mandarin(Another Chinese Dialect)
What languages are you fluent in?
English, Bisaya
What languages are you learning?
Tagalog, French, Japanese, Spanish
What languages are you fluent in?
Dutch, French and English. Also a bit of German and Spanish.
What languages are you learning?
None. I don't have the energy nor time to study a new language.
What languages are you fluent in?
Bisaya, Tagalog
What languages are you learning?
Bahasa, English, German and French

Even though I live here in USA, i wouldn't say that I'm that fluent in english. I can freely speak more when im texting or writing in blogs or forums but not orally.
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What languages are you fluent in?
Dutch, French and English. Also a bit of German and Spanish.
What languages are you learning?
None. I don't have the energy nor time to study a new language.

Are you maybe from Belgium ? *winkwink*

To be on topic:

What languages are you fluent in?
French, English - Japanese, Korean, German, Spanish | Dutch in an other intersideral category (I can speak all of them, but I'm uneasy to do so/write in other languages *accent complex in some cases*, but at least I understand them from quite well to almost perfect understanding)

What languages are you learning?
None for the moment. I had a person to teach me Russian, a friend for Polish and by myself Swedish, but I did quit it all. I had some classes in Italian.
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What languages are you fluent in?
English and Korean
What languages are you learning?
I also have to learn Malay at some point since I'm moving to Malaysia soon.
What languages are you fluent in?
English, French, kind of German, Spanish and Russian
What languages are you learning?
Dropped Latin because why do you need that
I'd like to learn Japanese but effort
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What languages are you fluent in?
English & Spanish
What languages are you learning?
None, but I want to learn Japanese.
What am fluent in?
English. :L

What am I learning?
Japanese, and I hope that I'm getting closer to become fluent.
French is my native language, and I speak English, Spanish and Catalan fluently at the same level.

I can have basic conversations in italian too, because my boss is italian and he's always trying to teach me, hahaha.I understand it without problems, speaking it is a little more challenging.

I want/need to learn mandarin too.
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What languages are you fluent in?
What languages are you learning?

1. I'm learning Spanish, Thai (again), and somewhat Japanese (whenever I can).
2. I'd also love to learn Italian, French, German, Dutch, and Korean as well.
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1. swedish and english. i ahve basic knowledge in german but haven't taken classes since high school. i do understand and read it better than speak though lol.
2. kind of japanese on my own.
I'm fluent in English
Semi-fluent in Japanese
I'm learning Russian and Korean.
Fluent in English, and I know enough French to get by when someone is talking to me. I can't speak it that well though, but I can communicate at least.