I have a cat (Egyptian Mau) called Shai who is 14
Two rabbits (Holland Lops) called Biscuit and Florence who are 3 years old
And a hamster (Chinese) called Echo who is 7-8 months old
I have two very old dogs. One is a male miniature schnauzer and the other is a girl, a Japanese spitz. They can't have babies, and they're pretty much just chill with each other even though we got the spitz pretty late from her previous owner who pretty much just have her to my mother. Still love to run and chase a ball and those legs are hella strong.
I have two dogs (A Newfoundland and an Austrailian Shepard), a painted turtle (It's a type of tutle, so fyi, no, I did not paint my turtle), and a hamster. ^~^
Had a cat named Crystal but she's with my great grandmother bc everyone in my household is too busy to look after her (she has special dietary needs), so I only get to visit occasionally ;(
Other than that we have like 7 goldfish or something.
Also my baby boy Dante is being so damn cute tonight. He's been sat here like this for a little while now - and still is now as I type! He's been sick recently, as some of the TBT Fair MK8'er players know as I had to bail one night to take him to the vet, but he's getting better. <3