What relationships do you imagine your villagers to have?


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Jul 10, 2012
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Do you ship any of your villagers, or friend-ship any of them?
The current villagers in my town are: Marshal, Agent S, Kid Cat, Ankha, Kabuki, Lucky, Coco, Flo and Bunnie.

I imagine Agent S and Kid Cat to be good friends / colleagues because secret agents rule!
I think both Marshal and Kid Cat have crushes on Bunnie (Marshal has given a keyring to Bunnie that matches his and together they say Sweet Nothings!!!) and Kid Cat has mentioned here a few times.
Coco and Lucky talk about each other often so I imagine they are good friends.
I want Lucky and Ankha to be friends but I never hear them talk about each other.
I think Kabuki has a crush on Coco! They live close to each other and I feel have similar interests. Plus, they're always leaving things at each other's houses / wanting to give presents.
Flo doesn't really talk much with others in my village, I think she's a bit lonely!
Also, I would imagine Ankha and Bunnie to be good friends and act a bit like popular high school teenage girls.
Diana and Grizzly have hung out a couple times at Dianas house, and they ask me to deliver things to each other all the time. So I feel like they're a couple or something :p Zucker and Mitzi do the same so I feel like maybe theyre a couple or besties or something. Tuckers mentioned Bangle a lot and said she would make a big sister to him, so I think he wants to be friends with her more lol
Marshal and Sally are always together in my town! They're either always walking around each other or inside each other's houses .-. Plus whenever I talk to Sally she always mentions how "Marshal wrestled a bear once" or "Marshal said my catch phrase is a little old" (even though she got her phrase from him lol). Now they're even wearing the same shirt ;u; If anything I think they have a thing going on hehe ^^;
I definitely friend-ship Dina and Daisy, the only Uchi and Normal villagers in my town are the only villagers that have control over themselves xD
Rudy and kid cat are best friends in my island! I saw Rudy sitting pretty near kid cat while he was fishing and I also saw rudy in kid cats house, that’s a cool friendship!
I think Stu and Norma have a thing for each other. Stu even comments on Norma's ticklish feet, and my other villagers have suggested such a relationship for them. I believe she even went to his birthday party once.

Rodeo and Dotty also get along well, my villagers say that they might be more than just friends...

And then there's also Doc and Rosie, as well as Tipper and Rizzo.
Dude this thread is almost a decade old o_O

Well, it's kinda lame for me to say but for me almost everyone in my ACNH island is friends. They try to be, at least. Sometimes they get into arguments, but in the end, all is forgiven.
Party in the 10 year old thread!

<(•_•<) ^(•_•^) (>•_•)> (^•_•)^ <(•_•<) ^(•_•^) (>•_•)> (>•_•)^ (^•_•)> (>•_•)^ (^•_•)> (>•_•)^ (^•_•)>
Portia Goldie and Merry I envision as three besties as they were the only 3 girlies in my original 5 villager lineup in acnl (and I now have them in acnh). Chrissy and Carmen, and Rosie and Peanut have their houses close together in both games so I see them as besties. Kody and Marshal not only have their houses close but are the only guys in my town/island so I see them as good friends. I also lowkey ship Peanut and Kody.
In terms of who's on my island...
  • Lopez and Kyle are best friends.
    • Going deeper, Cherry is a childhood friend of Lopez, and is who Kyle has a major crush on. However, Kyle is afraid that Lopez will become upset, coupled with the fact that Cherry already has a boyfriend off-island (Cyd). I covered the three villagers' interactions in one of my island journal stories (link in my signature if you wanna read it).
    • Lopez is also a good friend of Bruce (also lives off-island) as they share common interests and are in a band together.
  • Poncho and Dotty have an off-and-on relationship. There might be a week where they'll be together, and another week where they'll straight up ignore each other. This happens because Poncho tends to hang out with his best neighbor buddy Bob way too often, and Dotty becomes jealous as a result. Luckily, however, Bob is just a silly cat that everyone knows and loves.
  • The villagers were unsure about meeting Tom at first, given that he's had a long, storied and somewhat troubled boxing career. When his green thumb appeared and he began to care for the surrounding nature on the island, everyone started to respect him more as a villager and not as the boxer he once was. Now, others look up to him as a knowledgeable nature mentor.
Man, just discussing these relationships is making me want to type up more short stories on my journal. Unfortunately, I've got other priorities on my mind at the moment.
Moe is my son and Kabuki is kinda like a grandpa to him. I don’t really have any other headcanons lol
I don’t ship any of the villagers together. The villagers in older games were quite mean so I imagine they’re always throwing some sort of insult at eachother. lol
I don't do romantic shipping stuff; I'm somewhere adjacent to but not necessarily totally asexual, so shipping is of very little interest to me. I'm more into just coming up with how villagers interact with each other generally.


In my main New Leaf town, which is a horror-themed town, two of my villagers are Cobb and Stitches. Cobb's kind of a mad scientist, at least in my mind. His house in New Leaf has some mad scientist furniture, his green skin and yellow eyes makes me think he's been affected by his experiments, and he wears a Doctor's Coat in his photo), and I liked the idea that he cobbled Stitches together in the fashion of Frankenstein's Monster. As opposed to the story of Frankenstein, though, Cobb and Stitches get along well.

In a similar vein, though I've not had either of these two as residents in any of my games yet, I thought it would be neat if the same applied for Petri and Peaches. Might as well have Bride of Frankenstein too, ya know?

Ankha and Lucky were the bestest buddies for years. Surprise! Original, right? I know. That said, when New Horizons released, I decided to move Ankha out of this town and send her to the New Horizons island since she fit my island's concept well. Now I guess they're long distance friends who probably visit a lot.

Octavian and Marina are longtime residents as well, though I might move Marina out to a different town for some new blood. They're aliens that resembles the Octopus, which explains the interior design of Octavian's house and his signature Star Shirt (as well as Cephalobot's house in New Horizons) and why there are ordinary octopi you can catch in the ocean. Are they interested in each other in a romantic way? Dunno, I leave it vague. They have a good rapport though and are probably more focused on some mission that brought them to our planet in the first place.


In another of my New Leaf towns, a magical circus town, two of the residents are Elise and Tammi, two of the Monkey villagers. They're the trapeze artists, performing aerial stunts for the circus. They're very good friends. Maybe there's something more between them?

Mott and Rolf are rivals vying for the position of top star of the show.


In another New Leaf town, Raddle is the town's doctor and June is the nurse. June's house got a whole different design that fits her better in New Horizons, but back in New Leaf when she was brought back in the Welcome Amiibo update, her house featured a reception area and a medicine cabinet, so it fit. Just coworkers and friends.