What series are you currently watching?

I've started rewatching Shadowhunters (love it sm), but now I'll take a break from it for The End of the F***ing World. :)
Finished series 1 of Daybreak which I enjoyed. Just finished series 3 of Atypical which I also enjoyed.
Just finished watching the latest episodes of BoJack Horseman. I'm looking forward to the final set of episodes in January.
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Watched the first episode of The Mandalorian last night. I’m excited! It was really good!
I'm in the middle of watching parasyte after a friend recommended it to me. I liked it at the beginning, but now that I'm more than halfway done I'm kinda losing interest.
I finished watching The Frankenstein Chronicles. I thought it was quite good.

Today I started watching Million Yen Women.
Rick & Morty season 4 - I only started watching the series a few months ago and binge watched the first 3 seasons. Still loving it.
Been rewatching the Good Place! Haven't found any new shows to watch lately but I like to have TV as bg noise, so i'm going through stuff i've already seen till I can find something
I'm currently watching Pretty Little Liars (it's still on Netflix in Canada). It took me about two years to get through the first two seasons because I just couldn't seem to watch it consistently, but I watched all of season 3 in about a month. Just starting season 4B.
Watched the premiere of Steven Universe Future and will be sticking with it. So many REFERENCES.
Bouncing back and forth between Lucifer, AHS, and others; my father has the attention span of a goldfish XD
im currently watching Charmed for the first time!! i'm at the end of season 7 and it has been a rollercoaster
Today I finished up both Million Yen Women and Everything Becomes F (The Perfect Insider). Both are Japanese murder mysteries, but the first is a live-action drama and the second is an anime. I enjoyed them both, but I'd have to say The Perfect Insider was the better show overall. I really liked the philosophical aspects of The Perfect Insider.

Currently, I'm trying to watch The Adventures of Figaro Pho before it leaves Netflix on January 1st. It's a pretty fun show.
Started watching Malcolm in the Middle after that one TV channel shows it again, beginning with the first season. It's been years since the last time I watched it, it's one of my favorite shows from my childhood. Was very surprised when I saw it on TV today, as I didn't know they show it.