I'm in the middle of watching parasyte after a friend recommended it to me. I liked it at the beginning, but now that I'm more than halfway done I'm kinda losing interest.
Been rewatching the Good Place! Haven't found any new shows to watch lately but I like to have TV as bg noise, so i'm going through stuff i've already seen till I can find something
I'm currently watching Pretty Little Liars (it's still on Netflix in Canada). It took me about two years to get through the first two seasons because I just couldn't seem to watch it consistently, but I watched all of season 3 in about a month. Just starting season 4B.
Today I finished up both Million Yen Women and Everything Becomes F (The Perfect Insider). Both are Japanese murder mysteries, but the first is a live-action drama and the second is an anime. I enjoyed them both, but I'd have to say The Perfect Insider was the better show overall. I really liked the philosophical aspects of The Perfect Insider.
Currently, I'm trying to watch The Adventures of Figaro Pho before it leaves Netflix on January 1st. It's a pretty fun show.
Started watching Malcolm in the Middle after that one TV channel shows it again, beginning with the first season. It's been years since the last time I watched it, it's one of my favorite shows from my childhood. Was very surprised when I saw it on TV today, as I didn't know they show it.