Adventure time with my kids and hubs and I just finished Castlevania yesterday! We are working on Schitt's Creek and Blacklist rn, along with a lot of updating anime series.
I've been watching Bolivar on Netflix. I was very surprised by this show so far. It's about the life of Simon Bolivar, one of Latin America's liberators. The first episode takes a little while to get used to, but once it gets to his childhood and afterward, it gets very interesting! It can be a little telenovela like, but it's pretty minimal. More emphasis is on his life and the events Venezuela experiences leading to revolution. It's been surprisingly mostly accurate to real life so far (15 episodes in).
If you do watch, please note it is rated M for rape, disease, death (obv), nudity, & age differences. The show is not shy about these topics. (It just makes me thankful for medical advances.) Overall, it's a fascinating show with a superb cast!
Absolutely Fabulous - 9/10 This is the only toffee nosed, Southern born sitcom I can actually stomach, it strikes a better balance than One Foot in the Grave ever did.
I don’t tend to watch very many new shows since I’m the type of person to just rewatch the same thing once I find something I like, however I’ve been watching the newest season of JoJo’s bizarre adventure! It’s an incredible action anime if anyone is interest. I already love jojo and the newest season hasn’t disappointed me yet.
I guess it's the Transformers series from the 80s. One of my younger brothers controls the telly since none of us care for watching it except him. He's having a marathon.
I did watch it as a kid- but I guess I'm watching the entire thing again. Sanity is for the weak.
The Witcher series released on Netflix recently... in one sitting ahaha. Definitely made waiting for the currency distribution today pass fast. My only gripe is I wish it was more monster and Geralt stuff!
That is it; a really fun watch!
I'm watching The Simpsons since FXX is doing a marathon of all 30 seasons. I'm on season 9 rn. I've only watched it part of the time but I've kept it playing on my tv for the last 3-4 days.