What series are you currently watching?

I just finished Kipo and the Wonderbeasts :) it?s super cute!
Finished Fruits Basket (2019) it’s so much better then the old series!
Just started Locke & Key which has been pretty good so far.
S*x Education on netflix but I haven't even gotten through season 2 ep 1 yet because I've been lazy and putting it off haha
I was watched Shameless, but the season has ended. I'm still watching Good Trouble. I've also started rewatching Degrassi lol
A Danish series called Rejseholdet/Unit 1. It follows the Danish equivalent to the FBI in solving criminal cases, usually regarding murder. It's pretty good!

I'm thinking of starting Sex Education next.
I finished up the final season of BoJack Horseman last night. I thought it was a fitting end to a great show.
Just started the Witcher, but also the new Sabrina, enjoyed the 1st series but as it goes on it is getting as ridiculous as Riverdale did after the first season. Will still watch it though ��
- The X Files every night at dinner with my mother.
- Adventure Time, which I forgot about sometime in October last year when some exams started and still haven't returned to. I will, though.
- Simpsons, whenever it's up on Fox.
- South Park, whenever it's up.

The ones I'm waiting for new seasons are
- Aggretsuko
- Anne with an 'E'
- Steven Universe, which apparently will keep going til the end of the known universe.
I'm currently watching Beastars and Pokemon Galactic Battles, I've been bingewatching pokemon for a long time now and I love it so much!
I'm currently watching Friends on Netflix, and once I'm done with that, I'll be starting on either BoJack Horseman's last season, or The Big Bang Theory.
I’ve just started watching his dark materials on catch up, has anyone else seen it?

I’ve only watched the first episode~
Lego Masters! Dude, this show is amazing... These contestants are amazing! I'm obsessed and eagerly wait for it's release every week! I highly recommend this show!
Uchi no Tama

one of my new favourite anime of all time x__x it's PERFECT... like it was made for me!
idk if this counts but i’m watching a series on youtube of someone playing city folk for a year; it’s old and i never even played city folk but it’s enough to give me my animal crossing fix lol