What series are you currently watching?

i'm watching OITNB (Orange is the new black) atm. I started a few years ago and just kind of forgot about it. I'm kind of late to the party. Before that I was watching Lucifer, then You, then Game of Thrones. Waiting for the final season of GoT to come out.
i've been rewatching naruto for the past few days xD
i get bored of series very easily though D: can only watch it up until like season 3 until i lose interest which has happened for the past few series i watched (grey's anatomy and Gilmore girls)
I started watching OITNB years ago as well when i was still in high school but haven't bothered watching it since i was really into the series i might have to watch again..
Currently watching:
The walking dead - Kinda stretching the series a bit too far here really. I don't mind it, maybe my logic is a little different, but their actions irritate me. XD

Shows I'm watching but waiting for new episodes:
Fear the walking dead - Kinda heard they might have another series. Kinda hoped it ended at season 4. Again my feelings above except not many good characters.
Milo Muprhy's Law - really hope this show continues but doesn't seem to catch on like Phineas and Ferb have been (Same creators)
We bare bears - This is such a nice easy going show really, it's not too focused on being too serious and they're just all loveable.
Star vs the forces of evil (also re-watching~) - I wonder what the last season will bring~
Supernatural - Finally caught up with this series, which I'm glad as it is pretty good.
One Piece!
also i've been binge watching chopped lmao oops
I've been watching The Promised Neverland, which is a horror anime, and it's genuinely quite creepy!

I'm also trying to get back into Queer Eye now that the third season has come out.
i am SUPER late to the party but who cares, im watching grey's anatomy, im only on season 2 and this show has like 10 seasons or something, yeah. this is gonna take me awhile!
Every sessional anime besides domestic girlfriend (for obvious reasons)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I've been watching The Promised Neverland, which is a horror anime, and it's genuinely quite creepy!

I'm also trying to get back into Queer Eye now that the third season has come out.

Promised neverland isn't really all that "creepy" but whatever floats your boat.
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Oh boy... so many. I won't name the ones I am re-watching though, which make up a bulk of what I am watching!

1. Life
2. Riverdale
3. Umbrella Academy

Literally, the rest are shows I am re-watching or just finished and waiting for the next season XD
Currently watching "Billions".. I'm not the type that likes to watch series,
but when I'm eating the weekends with my boyfriend, we always watch a
series that he chooses. "Billion" is pretty good :)
Of course RuPaul's Drag Race and Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (yay for new season soon) for meeee.

Also watching MasterChef Junior and Terrace House with my partner.
I just started The Umbrella Academy and its giving me trust issues send help folks
right now i am watching mob psycho 100 and bang dream's second seasons with my friend zen! they're both almost over though :( i believe the last ep for bang dream comes out TOMORROW.....

mp100 is rlly good!!! i watched like, 3 episodes of the first season years ago when it was recommended to me and was like "hey, this is pretty epic" and then never watched it again for some reason. HOWEVER about a month???? or two ago my friend suggested we watch the whole series together on rabb.it since he remembered watching it and liking it but didn't remember ANYTHING about it, so we did! i super recommend it if anyone reading this has not already seen it!!!

bang dream is also good but idk if i'm AS into it as i am with mob psycho. i think it is a pretty average show in fact, i just like seeing new content with the bandori characters! i hope if they get a third season they focus more on the other bands. poppin party is neat and has always been sort of the "main" band but THE OTHERS ARE JUST AS GOOD.....
Good lordy, Mob Pyscho has got to be one of the best anime series that has ever exist.
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We're rewatching Game of Thrones right now for when the last season starts next month. My husband is rewatching Scrubs as well.
I've really gotten into Young Sheldon. I relate to the main character, Sheldon Cooper, quite a lot. I love routine, I'm a picky eater, I hate change and I can be stubborn.
The current series that I am watching at the moment is Power Rangers Ninja Steel. I've been on a Power Rangers binge on my Netflix. Feels like I've almost watched all the Power Rangers series. I'm gonna need to find more series to watch on Netflix once I am done with the like all Power Rangers I can watch on there.
We're rewatching Game of Thrones right now for when the last season starts next month. My husband is rewatching Scrubs as well.

I ADORE Scrubs! So good! I am watching GoT right now too. My first time through. I just got to Season 4. Its awesome!