What series are you currently watching?

I’m rewatching the cardcaptor Sakura series now that Clear card is out :) I might end up rewatching SAO as well since I haven’t seen the new seasons and have completely lost the plot lol
Im currently watching fate apocrypha! Currently, its pretty good, my favorite characters so far are Achilles and Mordred lol.
I recently finished watching season 2 of The Umbrella Academy and season 3 of Overlord. Today, I started watching the newest season of Lucifer and I'll be starting the latest season of Seven Deadly Sins as well.
I finished rewatching the first season of One-Punch Man the other day so I'm watching the second season now. I didn't watch the second season when it came out because of who I am as a person but I'm glad I get to binge watch it at my leisure.
me & my boyfriend are currently watching BBC Merlin on Netflix! Might look into some marvel stuff as well, anyone got recs (pref. stuff on netflix haha)
He's also watching One Piece but I told him not to wait for me... lol
The Punisher (almost done with it - only few eps left)
Greenleaf (on season 2 out of 4)
Stranger (second season just got added so just started it)
House of Blocks
Condor Heroes

I've been watching the top two when I want to multi-task lol. The bottom three when I'm not multi-tasking because subs lol.
just caught up on Killing Eve. I was very impressed, did not expect it to be as good as it was.
I just finished watching Disenchantment on Netflix. I really enjoyed it, very much looking forward to more seasons.
i just binged the first season of Little Witch Academia and its so cute i cant believe i didnt watch it before ><
Finally finishing Heya Camp! A nice, quick series to watch while I figure out what anime I'm gonna start next >.<
I've finished up Lucifer and started on High Score, a video game documentary on Netflix. I've also started watching season 3 of Aggrestuko.
I finished up the video game documentary High Score and also season 3 of The Toys that Made Us. I'm currently watching The Movies that Made Us and I'm almost done with season 3 Aggretsuko. I also started season 3 of The Crown today.
Started season 3 of Aggretsuko. Such a good series! Also started watching a playthrough of Persona 5. <: