JJBA since I'm a weeb. I've only seen two episodes so far since I had to take a break to travel, but honestly, I'm a fan. Plus, a lot of the soundtrack slaps.
I just started watching DOOM PATROL on HBO Max and honestly I'm having a great time with it. It's so fun and silly. Totally worth watching if you're into superhero stuff.
I’ve binged through most of “Unsolved” on Netflix (I’m so excited for the next 6 episodes omg), and I’ve also been going through Seinfeld. About 7 seasons in so far.
I tried out the first episode of “Love On The Spectrum.” So far I’m impressed by how genuine the show has been. TV depictions of autistic people are normally full of generalizations and outdated stereotypes. “Love On The Spectrum” actually shows what we’re like around friends, family, and strangers. I hope the rest of the season is just as impressive.
After finishing Frasier my mom and I started Community, but it’s so cringeworthy that I often have a hard time watching it. I only stay for the dean, Duncan, and Jeff. The other main characters are all so irritating, and not even in a funny way. I don’t get the hype around this show.
Frasier, on the other hand, is absolutely fantastic. Some jokes didn’t age well, but for the most part it’s charming, unique, and hilarious.