What sneaky personal touches go on your island?


Able Sisters Part-timer
Apr 14, 2020
Black Hybrid Rose
Cherry (Fruit)
White Lily
White Rose
Daisy Easter Egg
My Melody Easter Egg
New Horizons Token
Are there any tiny signature details you put on your island/house that aren't super obvious, but really make the space yours?

For me, it's facing stuff with handles like teacups to be on the lefty side ☕


Share pics of your fav little personal touches!
i customized my pet bed to look as if a black cat was sleeping in it to represent my irl black kitty, zeva. :’)

my laptop obviously had to have tbt since i’m on here pretty much 24/7 🤣. i’ve got a turquoise switch lite next to it as well, which is the console that i have irl.
I don't know if this falls in the category, but I guess it's for the person who likes the smaller details of storytelling? I don't have a DA yet but I tend to work hard on my visual cues for whoever visits like this:

My goal is to make the player to explore my island and not just follow paths. So I have lights set up to beckon the visitor to venture out into the jungle or something. I'll probably set my DA to night too.

I'd also would like the player to linger in specific areas and observe the details if possible. I also know that's not everyone's type of gameplay style. But for example here, I designed the cloth on the cutting board to be turtle meat, lol.
I have different bushes planted in different areas of my island. I chose to place certain ones in these certain areas not due to their aesthetic but rather ones that are in bloom during my character's birthdays. I have 5 playable characters with birthdays throughout the year, so each one is during a different bush's blooming season.

Usagi June 30th has Hydrangeas
Ami September 10th has Hibiscus
Rei April 17th has Azaleas
Makoto December 5th has Holly
Minako October 22nd has Tea Olives

The last bush Camelias I use in the main area of my island. I don't have a character for myself but they happen to be in bloom during my own birthday March 25th.

I doubt anyone will ever notice this touch but I really like it. It's a subtle reminder of whose birthday is coming up soon as well. :)
I have small details, and hints to different games I love. Like Danganronpa, but barely visible, or only other fans will understand. But definitely claims the island as my own. I love personalzing my island like that.

I also have bird cages all over my yard, and thats symbolism of my novel. Which is what my island is based on. Also have my villagers greetings, asking where another villager on the island is. Which goes to my relationships I made for my villagers :)

Which really ties my theme together, and truly makes it mine ^^
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IDK if this counts, but I've got some cat items (like cat grass, a cat pole) scattered throughout my main character's house, as a reference to her name (Cat). I also have a Yellow Switch Lite, since it's what I play on (I'd like to get the Aloha case at some point, since that's what I store it in! But I don't have enough memory on my phone to download the stupid phone app).

But my favorite part is the red diner set in my basement. No one would ever know this (unless I told them, like I am right now, of course), but my grandparents had a red diner table and matching chairs in their basement rec room (I think it may've been their super stylish dining set at one point- now that I think about it, why did they only ever seem have tables with a max of four chairs when they had four kids?) and the in-game set looks JUST like them (all it's missing is the tears in the plastic, lol). It's a tiny touch, but it makes me smile whenever I see it, because I think of their delightfully tacky basement ☺ Sadly, no furniture item replicates their God awful burnt orange plaid futon couch (you'd think it's comfort level would make up for the ugliness... it did not, it felt like sitting on burlap mixed with straw).

Also, not in my house, but my character has a pet snapping turtle outside her house (his name is Snappy). During the winter I considered moving him... but instead just put a space heater in his pen 😆
I try to give my character stories and sort of throw in small details.

I themed my characters names with their professions. I also really wanted my island and Villagers to start with the letter M, and each vowel that follows to be different. The names also had to be gothic ( that’s just my aesthetics ).

My town is Melancolia. The villagers:

-Morticia/ Mortimer: Their house is a Funeral home. Morticia comes from the word mortician. Mortimer derives from the word mort , meaning death.

-Malady: she is a doctor. A malady is a disease or disorder.

-Minerva: she is a Teacher. Minerva is the Roman goddess of wisdom.

-Muriel: her house is by the sea. Her name means of the bright sea. I haven’t worked in her area too much but She’s going to be a marine biologist.

Morticia and Mortimer are supposed to be twins , that’s why they both start with the same vowel. I purposely didn’t give Mortimer a home, and I like to pretend the twins share a house. I put in small details also in their home to make it seem like theirs two people ( like adding two beds in one room ).

I also have a color pallets for each. The Mort house is mainly brown and black. Some purples thrown in there.

Malady’s house is pink, white and grey.

Minervas house is going to be yellow, brown ( once I start decorating it ).

Muriel ( I’m not too sure just yet about her color ). She is going to stay in a tent so there’s not much to do there. I’m thinking blue and yellow as her colors.

Most of these small details are purely for me.
They also follow close to what I did in my old new leaf town. Malady’s character is almost the same as the one I did in new leaf. Morticia is a mix of two characters In new leaf (I kind of combined them). I did change all their names but kept the overall physical design.

Anyways these are my small touches. I just wanted to bring back a part of my town I had in new leaf.
This is pretty far in the future, but once I've decorated my whole island the way I want to, top to bottom, I want to add small blood splatters, gold/money and hints of a scuffle in unsuspecting places that all lead back to my main home's backroom and the grave site behind it. Really hint at the shady mafia dealing theme I've been alluding to haha.
My island is kind of like my “safe space” contained within a game, and it’s also a place where I can be in control of every last detail. So that being said, I have a lot of personal and (sometimes) subtle touches that I’ve added everywhere!

I have some hearts carved into the sand, and inside are my initials + my partner’s initials. So far it’s the only custom pattern that I’ve made myself, but I think it’s pretty cute ☺️

I have a newsstand with little newspapers and typewriters, which is pretty common, but mine is supposed to be a tribute to my favorite musical, Newsies.

Right next to my town hall is a little eating area with an iron garden table/chairs, some shrubs, and a motherly statue. In front of it is the logo for one of my favorite visual novels, Danganronpa, but instead of saying “Danganronpa” it says “Animal Crossing.” I’ll have to add some pictures later hehe. The bear on the motherly statue is supposed to represent the game’s mascot, which is also a bear. The area is fairly inconspicuous and matches my island theme well, but I like that it’s also somewhat secretly a tribute to one of my favorite franchises.

I also have 6 human villagers living on my island, and they’re all based on characters from a story I’m working on. Each one has a wildly different aesthetic (Marlie is cottagecore, Olive is grandmacore, Mae’s home is a school, Jack’s home is a restaurant, Estelle is monochromatic, and Rowan is pastel/cute-themed), and I enjoy showing their unique personalities through their homes :)
IDK if this counts, but I've got some cat items (like cat grass, a cat pole) scattered throughout my main character's house, as a reference to her name (Cat). I also have a Yellow Switch Lite, since it's what I play on (I'd like to get the Aloha case at some point, since that's what I store it in! But I don't have enough memory on my phone to download the stupid phone app).

I had no idea the app had those few items in it, so when I get the case I will get you one just for bringing it to my attention!!

The only small thing I can think of is my one self made custom “don’t feed the ducks” sign, from when I raised a baby duck and learned how bad it is to feed them more than half the things people tend to. It goes without saying I also have some duck areas on my island. MA-3870-6790-6330
I try to give my character stories and sort of throw in small details.

I themed my characters names with their professions. I also really wanted my island and Villagers to start with the letter M, and each vowel that follows to be different.

My town is Melancolia. The villagers:

-Morticia/ Mortimer: Their house is a Funeral home. Morticia comes from the word mortician. Mortimer derives from the word mort , meaning death.

-Malady: she is a doctor. A malady is a disease or disorder.

-Minerva: she is a Teacher. Minerva is the Roman goddess of wisdom.

-Muriel: her house is by the sea. Her name means of the bright sea. I haven’t worked in her area too much but She’s going to be a marine biologist.

Morticia and Mortimer are supposed to be twins , that’s why they both start with the same vowel. I purposely didn’t give Mortimer a home, and I like to pretend the twins share a house. I put in small details also in their home to make it seem like theirs two people ( like adding two beds in one room ).

I also have a color pallets for each. The Mort house is mainly brown and black. Some purples thrown in there.

Malady’s house is pink, white and grey.

Minervas house is going to be yellow, brown ( once I start decorating it ).

Muriel ( I’m not too sure just yet about her color ). She is going to stay in a tent so there’s not much to do there. I’m thinking blue and yellow as her colors.

Most of these small details are purely for me.
They also follow close to what I did in my old new leaf town. Malady’s character is almost the same as the one I did in new leaf. Morticia is a mix of two characters In new leaf (I kind of combined them). I did change all their names but kept the overall physical design.

Anyways these are my small touches. I just wanted to bring back a part of my town I had in new leaf.

Your island sounds right up my street. Do you have a DA?
This is pretty far in the future, but once I've decorated my whole island the way I want to, top to bottom, I want to add small blood splatters, gold/money and hints of a scuffle in unsuspecting places that all lead back to my main home's backroom and the grave site behind it. Really hint at the shady mafia dealing theme I've been alluding to haha.

Tangy lovers beware 👀 if you ever decide to visit nef; Zucker fans — Zucker is safe...for now (unfortunately he wasn’t safe in the Woods though 😭).

@NefariousKing just tell me when you want me to stop 🙂. i’m sorry i had such good times with you and others there that it is hard for me to forget. 😅

I have different bushes planted in different areas of my island. I chose to place certain ones in these certain areas not due to their aesthetic but rather ones that are in bloom during my character's birthdays. I have 5 playable characters with birthdays throughout the year, so each one is during a different bush's blooming season.

Usagi June 30th has Hydrangeas
Ami September 10th has Hibiscus
Rei April 17th has Azaleas
Makoto December 5th has Holly
Minako October 22nd has Tea Olives

The last bush Camelias I use in the main area of my island. I don't have a character for myself but they happen to be in bloom during my own birthday March 25th.

I doubt anyone will ever notice this touch but I really like it. It's a subtle reminder of whose birthday is coming up soon as well. :)

oooh i love this. so much thought and love! 😊

Originally when I started decorating, I had plans to do what I did in NL. i was planning to recreate some rooms or areas from Dragon Age and I was originally planning on using European plants only in the areas that are based on Dragon Age and paintings are artwork from certain time periods - as close to the medieval age if possible (with some exceptions).

Right now, by my windmill area which I based a little on La Mancha from Don Quixote, I plan on using flowers that are found in Spain (not sure if they are they exact breed; had to look this stuff up since I don’t know off hand what is from where and what colors).

For my One Piece areas, I’ve added some personal touches to the rooms or areas I based on something in the anime. I combined the aquarium room with the dining and kitchen and added a fish rod stand, a fish model and pail since in the anime Luffy liked to fish from their aquarium sometimes.

Next to my Thousand Sunny ship, I made a little area that looks like a construction site and I changed my tavern from being the one from DAi to being Makino’s bar with some adjustments like adding jail bars and treasure chests, a helm and anchors.

I used to try basing things exactly item to item off of a scene or something, but I’m trying hard to have more fun and add extra touches to make it look better than from the image i looked at.

I also made an area based on Wano but a very loose interpretation; I actually didn’t look at that much for references and experimented more with furniture :).
Tangy lovers beware 👀 if you ever decide to visit nef; Zucker fans — Zucker is safe...for now (unfortunately he wasn’t safe in the Woods though 😭).

@NefariousKing just tell me when you want me to stop 🙂. i’m sorry i had such good times with you and others there that it is hard for me to forget. 😅

No worries, I seriously don't mind the banter at all haha. Especially when I'm out here alluding to the consumption of one orange cat. 😂 It's funny to me, so you're 100% good. 😊

Good thing I don't have a taste for takoyaki though, otherwise Zucker wouldn't be so safe. 😈
These are all so great. I love seeing the way yall have made the island yours with all these little touches. I have a few on my island too, but my favorite right now are my gay rights isopods in the top left corner, since you have to go out of your way to find em. :]


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