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What social media do you use regularly?

I don't really use a ton and the ones I am signed up for I don't use regularly.

I have a Twitter but that's just for uploading photo's from my Switch, lol. I know there's a way to send em right to your phone but I got used to doing it through Twitter and it's easier for me now.

I have an Instagram but I only use it to follow a few people and because if I ever decide to look up a youtuber/celebrity Instagram doesn't let you scroll very far before asking you to sign in, lol. I don't post anything.

I have a Pinterest but I haven't used that in ages. I do use it more actively when I'm working because it's an easy place to find circle time songs and little games to play with the kids at work

I have a YouTube but I don't really use it in a super social-media-ey way? I don't really ever comment or anything I just have one so I can subscribe to my favourite YouTubers!

Tumblr is probably what I use the most. I know it has a bad rep and yeah, it's definitely not perfect but I really enjoy it. I basically just follow Animal Crossing and other aesthetically pleasing blogs so my dashboard is generally just pictures, lol.

Oh and I do have a Facebook! I don't sign in super often and I update my profile picture once every like... four years because I'm the worst, lol. I don't really post but it's easy to use to keep in touch with my siblings who live far away and such.
Not really anything. Discord could be one, but as sheilaa said it’s more of an app/client. I use YouTube, but very rarely and I don’t have an account there that I use, so I don’t count that. And of course MAL and this forum, but I don’t count those either because the “community” aspects of each are just forums.

I guess it depends on how you look at it though.
Twitter and Instagram, occasionally Discord. I have a Facebook but it's only to keep in touch with my closest friends through Facebook Messanger. I found that using Facebook really made me sad so I stopped using it. I like Twitter because of the relative anonymity and I like Instagram because I can post my creative work and different foods I eat.

I only use Discord a little bit, because large groups really overwhelm me!
Regularly I use Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. I have a Twitter but I only use it for super practical reasons (e.g. when I was in university I followed the local train system to get updates on delays so I could make sure I was never late for class lol)
I never post anything on social media but I regularly go on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, & Reddit
At the moment only Instagram and reddit. I've deleted my facebook years ago & I've never had twitter. I'm not a very "social media" person because nowadays most things you see/hear on there are staged, photoshopped, discussions or angry people anyway. :/

I haven't really used discord much before I played acnh but had some fun on there since playing the game :)
Instagram is what I use the most for art inspiration. There are amazing artists there. And for food posts, yummmm.

Reddit is for the lulz and some AC trading.

Facebook is for keeping in contact with family and friends, but I avoid it in general because the political hate raises my blood pressure.

Twitter is for uploading switch photos.

Discord is for my guilds in other games or scanlation teams releasing manga.

But 80% of my attention is focused here. :)
I mainly lurk on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook but I use Tumblr the most as I find it's a great alternative place to be when it comes to social media in general. I don't like feeling like I have to exude the idea of a perfect life that plagues the likes of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram on a daily basis.
Probably none (not counting forums such as this).

Never cared to join MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and other similar popular social media junk that exists out there. One time I did make an account on Instagram, but only because a close associate of mine asked me to. Unsurprisingly, I soon found out it wasn't my thing, so I wound up deleting the account the very same day. I've gotten various invitations to Discord from some other associates of mine as well, and I always have to decline due to lack of interest.

I am not entirely certain what else counts as social media, but whatever it is, I most likely don't use it.
I use Tumblr on a daily basis. Facebook is okay and I get on Twitter only a few times a week.
I use instagram rarely because it’s really boring for me. I’m not into posting pictures often. Sometimes I look at facebook but it’s only to be nosy lol. Other than that I use this site if that counts and I do like reddit on occasion. I’ve tried to get into twitter but the layout is so bad imo.
Instagram, pinterest, and discord for the most part. I get lots of my art inspiration from pinterest and instagram so that's my main purpose for using both of them. Discord isn't technically social media but I use that the most by far as it's how I communicate with all of my online friends.
Not sure if they are all consideres social media, but I mainly use Facebook, Discord and WhatsApp.
All are pretty much for one or two people each, lol.
Twitter is the main one I use. Instagram too. Tumblr is good for gaming stuff, but I go through phases where I forget to log in for ages.

I don't like Facebook but I do go check my feed every few days to see what's going on... it's useful to keep up with people who live far away, casual acquaintances, and old classmates/co-workers.

I browse Reddit when I'm really bored.

I'm too old for things like TikTok, lol.
I use Instagram and Facebook the most often, I have Snapchat as well but I rarely use it.
Regularly I use Instagram as this is where I promote my shop and follow people who do pretty stuff that inspires me. I also like Discord but I don't interact often on the servers I'm a part of.
Then I tend to lurk on Reddit daily and Tumblr a few times a week. And while I haven't been on Facebook for years, I went back recently to be part of a group sharing a similar hobby collecting the same stuff as me.
At the moment I just use Tumblr and Discord (although it’s more of a messaging site). I don’t post anything, but I enjoy browsing once or twice a day.