• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What social media do you use regularly?

I use tumblr daily, both posting and browsing for entertainment/cause I'm bored. I know it isn't seen as the best thing but if you cultivate your little corner of social media it isn't bad. I get more interactions on there so I like to post there to talk about fandom stuff. That's all I use it for anyway, Animal Crosssing, BOTW and occasional videogame stuff. Sometimes art reference or funny things too.

I use Twitter daily, and I used to post Animal Crossing/BOTW stuff there (in all honestly that's 90% of how I use social media, as fandom stuff) but now I just like/RT stuff, I don't really post my content on there anymore. My side account is reserved for non videogame stuff, like artist I really like. Also, if the artist has a tumblr, I'd prefer to follow them there, unless it's less active.
I hate social media but I do use a few. Pinterest because I like organizing ideas, illustrations, projects, tutorials and references and Pinterest has the best features that allow that. But I wish it wasn't a social media, just a handy tool to organize photos. Also Instagram to post art.
The Bell Tree Forums is literally all the social media I need and will ever be a part of, really. Socializing, news, art stuff, AC and games in general...it's all here for me.

All other social media places like tumblr, twitter, facebook never appealed to me. they are really boring.
I use to use tumblr a lot to look at and engage with fanart and other fanworks, but since moved to twitter as that's where most have moved to. I use to use facebook years ago, but has stopped checking on it as I don't have an interest in sharing my life's happenings with family, as bad as that sounds, I just like my privacy and don't need them gossiping about me. Social media can bring out the bad in folks, but there are some upsides to it, so it's good to have in moderation.
Probably Twitter and Discord as of last year. I used to have Instagram but I've never really used it at all and Facebook I had when I was in High School, but don't use it anymore. I also use Reddit a lot if that counts, but usually I just read on it, not really post anything. But yeah I'd say those 3 only as of now~
i mainly use twitter. I do have a tumblr, fb, ig but rarely use them these days... i also have a discord just so i can stay up-to-date with groups i'm in. but chatting wise, just twitter lol
I'm reviving this thread simply because I'm so close to deleting the majority of my social media accounts, I've come to realise that apart from Tumblr not one of them brings me joy anymore. Instead it's increasing my anxiety over life itself because I'm not going off on adventures, in a loving relationship that I can show off to the world or living my best life in general etc. If anything I'm starting to find this forum a much better space to be in when it comes to being online.
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I have Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and Discord. I lurk on Facebook and use it for messaging, hardly post on it. I post on Instagram occasionally, sometimes add to my story if I'm doing something interesting. I don't post on YouTube at all, not even commenting. I don't use Snapchat anymore, just to view friends stories sometimes. I only use Discord for voice chatting and talking to my brother haha.
Twitter and youtube. I always check twitter whenever I don't know what to do, and I always have a youtube video running in the background whenever i'm doing something.
Instagram, mainly use this to advertise my work and for my dog's account.

She's a very spoilt pooch :LOL:
Not really into social media myself but it is needed for keeping in touch with people and for both work and uni.
I use:

I use each probably a few times a week? Idk.
I used to use facebook but havent gotten on there in well over a week and I have no intention of going back anytime soon. it's a cesspool of rude people and disgusting political arguments. I also have twitter though I haven't touched it in months, i was never really active on there anyways.

I still use youtube and pinterest regularly but i don't consider those social media platforms bc I don't use them to interact with others, mostly just to consume content.
I regularly use Bell Tree Forums, Discord and Reddit. Although, I have various other social media for irregular purposes, like Twitter for uploading 3DS and Switch screenshots onto my computer and a Facebook to contact my family in different countries.
i use instagram to look at art although i havent posted anything in a long time. its fun to browse cute art and get inspiration/motivation to continue drawing. other than that just the bell tree forums
I use Discord daily to chat with friends and tumblr for fandom stuff like art and memes. I have YouTube too if that counts. I do have Facebook but I haven't posted anything on it since like, 2014.
I mostly use Instagram, YouTube, and Reddit. I use Instragram because most of my friends message me and post regularly there. YouTube for browsing a wide variety of videos and keeping up with channels that I enjoy watching. And Reddit for anything I want input on (career, skincare, travel, anything really), guides, sales & deals, and random thoughts that pop into my head lol.
I personally dislike social media for many reasons. The only reason I have a snapchat is because of a friend wanted me to get it so we could communicate. I don't like social media because of the energy that comes from it most times. Very negative, dark and creepy for some...At least in my opinion.
I honestly don’t really use social media! I use Discord, YouTube, and these forums. :) I’ve heard mixed reviews about getting into other apps (Facebook, Instagram, etc) so I haven’t downloaded any.
None. I've tried most of them over the years, but just find it all too depressing and end up deleting
For the apps/websites that I consider social media, I have a Facebook account but almost exclusively use it just for messaging some members of my family through Facebook Messenger these days. I have 2 Twitter accounts (one for my Switch photos/videos uploads, one for following accounts for sports (mostly hockey) news) but don't tweet with either one, though I'll sometimes RT and/or like tweets depending on the tweet. I have a Snapchat account that I infrequently use for sending photos to a few friends I have added on it.