tbh I would've liked to live a bit earlier (~1950s) because I would be able to experience the awe of the world's advances (namely: space tech!) as well as be a part of the history i have been taught.
aside from that i would like to be a part of the old greek times and chill w/ my boy aristotle
I think the generation that speaks to me the most is generation x. I would've loved to be born in the 70s so I could grow up in the 80s. All the synth music, tacky clothes, big hair, awesome movieds, fantastic president... how could you go wrong?
As a woman, I'd like to live in a time and place that doesn't make me or what I say or do irrelevant to society. I'm not particularly versed in history though so I don't know when or where that would be.
I'm perfectly fine right now, as you go back into the history of the world you will realize that it gets worse and worse over time.
Going back in time just to look to the future seems like a terrible idea especially when you have to experience the cruelty that the world had gone through then, it's just more pain that I wouldn't like to experience/live through.
Just not ideal living, not even the "happy" eras of the 1980's and 1990's because the surface is just a big bunch of lies.
Idk.. I immediately think how cool it might be to live during the Renaissance time period, ancient Egypt, and ancient Japan but then I remember all of the godawful stuff that went down during those time periods and now I'm like heeeeeeell no.
From the textbooks everything looks cool and very interesting (and it is!) but a lot of people suffered and a lot of bad stuff happened. No cures for diseases, there were some really barbaric practices, people not really understanding anything about the world as science wasn't a big thing until later on..
When I think about ancient times, I'm beyond thankful that I'm living where I am now. Those people had it rough.
I wouldn't, now is fine. I sometimes think it would be interesting to experience things from the past, but I live rather comfortably (all things considered) now, I'm able to be myself without it being illegal in my country.
I wouldn't say the future either, seems too daunting.
i'd choose 1 second ago. i'm not really keen on living in an older time period. it'd have been cool to experience some isolated happenings and movements of the past, but the present's a better fit for me.