Probably now cause we have all these nice modern conveniences that other eras did not. Plus if I wanted to listen/watch something from other decades, I can easily do so.
I think it would be interesting to go back to 1998, the year my Mom would have been the age that I am now, and just see how different things were back then.
I really wouldn't want to live anytime in the past. Life is just so much better now. That being said, living in Renaissance Italy could be interesting. Especially Venice. I'd like to see the city during its peak.
No change here, i'd like to live right now. We have come a long way, and I would not want to live in a time where I did not have as many rights as I do now.
The 1940s (minus the wars) would be a cool time to live in. The fashion, the architecture and the old technology of that era is just so cool. Art Deco is beautiful, so living in the 40s? Yes please ^-^