What, to this day, is your favorite console?

Deffo the GameCube!
I used to love playing it when I was little with my older brothers, also the games for it was ace! I still play some of them -Sonic Adventure 2, Animal Crossing, Spyro- on the Wii as one of my brother got rid of it when we moved, so happy that the Wii can play Gamecube games.
GameCube and Switch.
I love consoles that aren't entirely into motion or no motion at all that can be played on your TV. GameCube has a lot of my childhood games on it (one being Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door) and I currently love the Switch era as well (Breath of the Wild is amazing).
I'd say GameCube. There are so many good memories on that thing! Most of my favourite games were on it too: Animal Crossing, Melee, Sunshine... my favourite of the Mario Kart games: Double Dash. There were a bunch of other really fun games on it too. And though I spent a lot of time on my original DS and N3DS, I have such an affinity for home consoles; I associate them with community, and it's just nice having a large screen to play on.
Probably the 3DS. I like handhelds so much more & I spent a lot of time with my 3DS.
My favorite console is probably the GameBoy Advanced, with GameCube as a close second, they were amazing. The GameCube was my first console ever and I have fond memories of staying up late nights with my dad over Christmas break playing Mario Kart. There was just so many classics for GameCube I couldn't list them all. GameBoy takes the cake because of Pokemon and just how much I played it, since it is portable I can just take it anywhere and play whenever. I loved taking it onto planes and in the car to kill time and enjoy the journey of all the trips I went on. My GameBoy killed so much time it was insane, still love to play it to this day! FireRed is the best Pokemon game for sure! If we were talking about modern day consoles Nintendo still has me hooked with their Switch. If you don't have one yet, its awesome! Truly a masterpiece.
I’d probably have to say the Nintendo DS..to be able to play Game Boy Advance games was really neat I pretty much had that thing with me everywhere...but GameCube/PS2 aren’t far behind either, they both had a variety of great games!
I've had consoles from the Atari 2600 on up, so there's a lot to choose from. The GameCube is up there, but I think I might go with the N64 as my favorite. I still have my console and some of my favorite games (Paper Mario, anyone?), and some of the best times I've had with friends center around Pokemon Puzzle League tournaments. Throw on some 80s music, grab a bottle of wine (we're all old enough!), and may the best player win.
From a practical standpoint, while there were only a few games made for the system that I ended up being interested in, the Nintendo Wii is probably the one I like the most. There is and was a lot to love about the system. The Shop channel giving you access to a bunch of retro games for various different systems via the Virtual Console was awesome. One of my favorite games, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, was on the system. Back in the Wii's heyday, when they were actually operational, I found the News and Weather channels very nice to use. Wii Sports was a fun tie-in launch title game. Most important, however, is that it is backward compatible with the GameCube, complete with the ability to insert GameCube controllers and GameCube memory cards into their respective slots. It wasn't the most graphically impressive console and there weren't that many third party titles that you'd want to play online with friends, but I've never been someone who cared about games (or movies, or anything really) having the best graphics and had an Xbox 360 at the time to play games with friends. There are/were just a ton of positive aspects to the console, and I still play games on it from time to time.

On a fun level, there are numerous contenders.

The Sega Genesis was the first video game console I ever played and there were a ton of fun games to play on it.

I have a lot of fond memories of playing games with friends locally on the Nintendo GameCube and it has a great library of games, including but not limited to my favorite game of all time Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Kirby's Air Ride, Luigi's Mansion, Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Super Mario Sunshine. It's a really solid console with a great controller.

Likewise, I have a lot of fond memories of playing games online with friends on the Xbox 360 back when it was current. It is also useful in that it can read DVDs, stream Netflix and Twitch, and give you access to YouTube, among other various apps.

I also have to mention the Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS, but particularly the Nintendo 3DS. The Nintendo DS had a number of very good games and the Nintendo DS Lite even allows you to play Game Boy Advance cartridges and has an alarm feature that I've used a number of times in the past. The Nintendo 3DS, meanwhile, is probably up there in contention if not the console I've spent the most time playing games on, at least in the past few years. The 3DS gave me the opportunity, for the first time, to trade Pok?mon and battle other trainers from around the world despite being a Pok?mon fan since 1996 when the series first came to the US. That was back in the Pok?mon Black and White days, and I've been using the online functionality in all the main series Pok?mon titles ever since then. Then there's, of course, Animal Crossing: New Leaf which I've spent a ton of time on over the years. Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, the 3DS remakes of the Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor games, DS backward compatibility, a rudimentary YouTube app, free online service, and the wide selection of new and retro games found on the Virtual Console are also awesome.
Three way tie between N64, Gamecube, and Gameboy Advance! really impossible to pick because they all had libraries full of games I LOVED and played a ton. I might've added the 3DS to make it a four way tie but it has a few games which like ruined certain series for me and I can't get past that hahahah (cough Sticker Star, Gates to Infinity, et al)
If I can call PC a console, I'm gonna say PC. Besides that, maybe PS2 or GBA. I played a whole lot of both, although GBA I probably had the best memories on because I could take it anywhere. Looking back, most of the games I played were pretty bad, but I enjoyed them at the time. PS2 was my first (shared) gaming console, so it'll always hold a special place in my heart.

I kinda enjoyed DS, but for me there wasn't anything worth playing on it eventually. I enjoyed AC:Wild World, was waiting for the new Pokemon games to release, but they just kept getting hinted at being released, so eventually I got bored of waiting, traded it in and got a PSP instead - probably the best portable console made since the GBA, it's still better than the 3DS imo.
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Switch, DS, Gameboy. If I can take it with me, I use it a lot. But the N64 and PS2 have my favorite games by far!
The GameCube has so many good sales despite its awful sales. Maybe the low third-party interference pushed Nintendo to make more unique games.
It's a tie between Switch, Wii, GameCube, 3DS and DS. I can't really decide for one console, as I
spent so much time into every single of these console and also had (or still have) so much fun with
Probably the wii or original ds due to the nostalgia
Omg, Wii or 3DS, don't make me choose. I love both consoles and still play on my Wii.