Yeah, I agree. Most PMs are not worth keeping for a long time anyway and all being able to store 300 messages instead of 75 accomplishes is that you'll just wait until you get to around 300 messages and then still have to clean out messages anyway. At least with only 75, you don't have useless PMs sitting in your mailbox because you're too lazy to clean them out.
I have the default mailbox (which I'm assuming is the small one). I don't really see the point in buying one that can hold more letters because I can delete my messages whenever I want. I'm not holding on to any pms.
I have the one you get when you first sign up. Never bought any mailbox add ons, but if I had to buy any mailbox it'd be purple. Purple is seriously my fave color, although I don't have a bunch of purple flowers in my acnl town or anything...
I have the small one only because a friend of mine used to be on this site (we actually met here). But they decided to quit a while back for some reason. When they did they sent me the few collectibles and bells they had left and the Small Mailbox was one of them.