I have a weenie dog. Her name is Winnie and she just turned 4 last month.
I have never seen a grey smooth short coat weenie dog before, so precious!
Speaking of weenies, I have one! A mixed one; she's a dauchsaund, West Highland and Yorkie mix. She's the only one of her litter to look the way she does. However she looks what you'd prob expect a Chiweenie to look like. Most people, esp kids, confuse her for a Chihuahua at first (which I find odd since she barely looks like one) due to the big eyes and big perky ears. But most dog owners see the daucsuand body so they assume she's that, which they aren't wrong. She does look very much like a weenie dog, just the smaller kind, not the medium sized ones.
She def has the attitude of a Yorkie, a big dog stuck in the body of a small one. She doesn't realize no one is scared of her when she barks. Also like a Yorkie, she's a lap dog, she looooves to be in your lap or snuggled up in bed next to you with a blanket. She's a bit spoiled with all the kisses, love, dog beds/pillows she has around the house and human food she gets daily.
We call her by alot of nicknames, one being a baby deer since she's brown with white spots on her body. Most came from age, she's 11yrs old rn! She still wants to be in your lap with a blanket, that much hasn't changed with age. We did get her some doggie stairs so she could easily get in my parents bed for the night since we noticed she was hesitant on jumping on the bench to the bed for a while. She loooves sleeping with my dad at night. She used to sleep with me in the mornings but I have a loft bed now, so, no getting up high for her. She snuggles with me on my couch when I play ACNH thou. Any other game is too loud for her. She doesn't like loud noises or when I'm fighting stuff in games, so she usually leaves my room.
Here are some pictures of my baby, Dottie
Can you tell she loves blankets and soft objects lol. She's in her bed in the kitchen and in my bed or couch with me next to her in those photos.
I love my sweet needy girl very much