I never imagined it, but New Leaf gave me the opportunity to get to know some wonderful characters, almost all the characters I had (which I initially hated) have become my favorites, and which I now protect with all my heart

The first very strange character I had as a starter was Coco, the more I looked at her the more I thought it was a bad taste joke from the producers of the game LOL
Instead she's the sweetest and most adorable rabbit in this world and every time I see someone who finds her creepy I feel so sad! It deserves so much love.
Then there was Bonbon.
She was so... euphoric and ditzy! Really, she was very vivacious, perhaps the most vivacious peppy villager I have met so far.
At first she got on my nerves, and instead she later became one of my favorite characters, she would be able to cheer me up even on the saddest day in the world.
Then there was Gigi… a frog with a make up mask, it scared me

I found her too weird! And as you may have understood, she has become one of my favorite characters. She's absolutely gorgeous

Then there was Chops... guys I'm IN LOVE with Chops. But of course I hated it at first… I never had a soft spot for pigs LOL
But the more I spoke with Chops, the more I understood that he had an incredible style and personality, Chops is not a smug villager, he is THE smug villager.
I sent most of them away, but only because I like to change and meet new characters, luckily I often see them in the shopping street