What was your first town called?

I don't remember my town names for ACGC or ACWW but I remember in a Harvest Moon game for GameCube, I always named my farm LonLon (because of LoZ:OoT) so I would think maybe my ACGC name was the same. As for New Leaf, I named my first town Wyncliff which I still like to this day.
My first town was called Amyville, and to this day I still name my towns Amyville.
I don't remember for Wild World, but for New Leaf it was Digitoid.
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My very first Gamecube town was called Celidon; it was supposed to be Celadon, but my brother insisted it was spelled with an I.

...yeeeah. It wasn't, lol.
Both for Wild World and City Folk: Skogen
Pretty sure it was something cutesy like Kawaii Town or something really weeby likr.
My first town was named "P?rigueux" which is the name of a French town.
I was young and I was heading to P?rigueux and I started playing ACWW when I was in the car.
And then the game asks me where I'm going and I was like "Oh my god.....h-how did the game knew ????" so yeah...
Wait, so you got nine characters in Wild World instead of the eight for New Leaf??!
Toronto, and my current town is called the same too !
My first was called Zaronn. I'm ninety percent sure I got the idea for it from a town name generator website, but it served its job well.
My first game was Wild World that was all mine, I used to play the Game Cube version at one of my friends house (my villager lived in her town) and I cant remember her town name... Anyway. On Wild World, my town's name was my actual town's name which I won't disclose. But for New Leaf it was Hogwarts before I reset and made it Rosewood.
My first town was called Forest, and I've continued using that name for my main town in each game out of tradition...even if people say it's a boring/overused name. :p Forest has a double meaning for me: In addition to the game taking place in a forest, my real-life hometown is nicknamed The Forest City. So I'll probably stick with it for every future AC game I play as well.
I got the Gamecube game when it first came out and I was really little. I'm from a small desert town, so Maine seemed like a really exotic, pretty place haha. I've never been creative with names, to this day I'm still generally dissatisfied with the names I come up with( plus I spend like an hour trying to come up with something).