What was your first town's name?

Mine was LionTown in Animal Crossing Wild World and I was like 7 and I loved lions so I named it LionTown. You can still tell I love lions as Elvis is one of my dreamies. He's been my Animal Crossing bestie since I was 7 (I'm 16 now).
In CF when we had four people playing we decided to call our town Sunville. We were all children, soo... :3
My first ever town (on ACCF) was shared with my kid brother, and he named it Gai Land (like the character from Naruto) lol.
I can't remember what my first real town's name was. I know my first ACNL one was Kirkwall.
My first town name was FishBerg for the Animal Crossing installment on GameCube. I was about six years old at the time I believe? I wanted my town to be notorious for all the fish I would catch.
My first town was named Fluffy, that was my Wild World town.
mine was BLAHBLAH ( yes all caps ) in ACPG haha
i think i was around 8 years old at the time
Mine was Paradise back on the GC AC. I stuck with that in WW and CF too. It wasn't until NL that I used a different town name.
I think it was Dirge??? Dirge and Flynn were names that I would use for any kind of town I would have to name.
My first town was back in AC GC and it was "china" because I also thought that by "city" it meant for me to give an actual location. I'm not entirely sure why I picked China over where I actually live though..
I named mine Tea Tree and it was in Wild World. Not sure why I picked it lol
My first game was the GameCube game and my older sister decided to name our town C.A. Like the abbreviation for California, but with periods. I'm really not sure why that was the name she chose, but we were pretty young at the time.
My first town name was "Dinos" as in Dinosaur's for the Gamecube version, lol.