What was your very first animal friend?


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2014
Tasty Cake
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
My first friends were Mitzi, Iggy and Scoot in the gamecube. The first animal crossing game I ever played. Iggy was this wise old man in my eyes, who gave me advice and looked out for me. He was always really friendly with me. I don't know why I liked him so much, but I just did.

Scoot was my animal crossing husband by absolute force. I even changed his catch phrase to: Marry me? I always went over to his house, which was by the beach, very late at night when I knew he was home alone. I always tried putting them moves on him, or walking on the beach alongside him at night. I thought it was romantic. That's so embarrassing to admit. I was like, 8 or so.

Mitzi is sort of a sob story for me. She was the very first one I connected with, actually bonded a friendship with. I spent all my time doing errands and nice things for her. I gave her all my flowers, I sent her shirts and presents, and I was just always in her house or playing ball with her. One day, I came running down to her house and I saw that dreaded lonely post taking the space of where her home used to be... :( I planted flowers around it lovingly, and visited it often with fond memories. I was very sad, to say the least.

So, what are your stories?
I remember I was obsessed with kiki and Rosie in wild world! I loved those cats so much.
And I was devastated when pippy left my town.
I was good friends with Butch in City Folk, but then I didn't play it for a while and he eventually moved...
Goldie. I was really upset when she moved away. I'd love to have her again in New Leaf.
my first five were flora, poppy, wolfgang, marcel and cousteau, all little sweeties, lost marcel to tting though, and old cousteau moved out, but i'm keeping the others forever.
My first full town in WW. Joey, Monique, Bella, Tipper, Mitzi, Boone, Hopper, and I forgot the last one. It was either Aurora, Buck, or Roald. Joey, Monique, Boone, and Hopper were my main friends in ww. But Joey ended up being the only one from this group that I care about the most.

I'm getting so much nostalgia just thinking about my experiences with them in my first town.
My first friends in Animal Crossing were Merengue and Stitches. They're my favorite and I would prioritize them over all my villagers.

Beau is like my second close friend... he's so adorable.

New leaf is my first animal crossing game and the villagers are all so lovely!
totally forgot to mention Melba was like my bro in ww! I'd always visit her house and talk to her until she got annoyed. I was devastated when she moved
My first friend was Dora the mouse. Followed closely by Goldie and Tangy. This was on Wild World.

Good memories there :)
The first villager I became really good friends with was Wolfgang in my very first save file (on ACNL). I just really liked him better than all the villagers, except for Ankha, but I found her really intimidating.
Lily the frog was my first ever villager in WW. I also had Truffles and Opal when I started, but they can just go and jump off a cliff! :)
In the original gamecube version, Mitzi was also my best animal friend. She's so sweet! Other honorable mentions are Tank, Anchovy, Bones, Wolfgang, and Apollo. Especially Apollo <3
Peanut from gamecube ;w; <333 she was so cute I always sent her clothes so she can change into em uwu
New leaf is the first animal crossing game I ever played. The first villager I talked to was either coco or Tiffany. I still have coco to this day, but when I tt for the very first time I lost Tiffany ( I nearly cried), and she was the very first villager to ever leave.
The villagers I started off with are:

Fuschia was the first one to move in, followed by O'Hare and jaques
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